From theory to practice - page 616

Natalja Romancheva:
It looks like a casino...

:))) Nah, I did prepare myself though - I did an analysis on the tick data I have.

The casino is just to assume that the process is Gaussian and choose a specific quantile for the normal distribution.

We have a stupid +0% profit and nothing else. Nothing helps - neither demolition, nor half demolition, nor no demolition. Nothing at all.

Quantile should be dynamic - it gives us abnormal diffusion on tick data. On OPEN/CLOSE M1 - didn't look at it, not interested.


Quantile should be dynamic.

I told you so )))))

Evgeniy Chumakov:

But I did say )))))

Well, yes.

That's the direction I'm working towards.

A mirrored side of the solution to this problem could be to use a dynamic window.

I don't know - maybe work purely on ticks and count 1 tick as 1 clock cycle? I.e., could the volume of tick samples be substituted in the formula for variance calculation? In terms of time, it will be just a dynamic time window. I don't know - I haven't tried it...

Evgeniy Chumakov:

So far I can only see this kind of entry with a dynamic window and everything you can.

Wow... Bet on real and don't pull the cat by the tail.


Please attach the results of the deals to the pictures.

I remind you, the purpose of this thread: not to spread courage, fog among traders - as Bas and Asaulenko do (not financially, but morally), but to give hope to suffering sufferers, that this problem is solvable. All investigations must be supported by the state, of course.

Well, congratulations. I will not hold any more discussions in this thread or with you personally. Good luck.


Wow... Bet on the real thing and don't pull the plug.

Right now, before the Fed rate is announced...
In short, I only made two trades on the Euro for September, but good ones. Only the strategy with a fixed channel +-0.96 and a window of a day.
Evgeniy Chumakov:
In short, I ran only two deals on the Euro for September, but good ones. Only the strategy with a fixed channel +-0.96 and a 24-hour window.

It seems to me that you can't make a fortune on just the euchre. You need to trade on several pairs at once. I THINK IT IS NECESSARY TO TRADE ON SEVERAL PAIRS AT ONCE.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Well, congratulations. No further discussions in this thread or with you personally. Good luck.

Start pythoning, keep on branching... maybe you'll make something of yourself... someday.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Start pythoning, keep on branching... you might make a good one... someday.

Don't do that, let the goodness stay and the uselessness go away).