From theory to practice - page 575


Well, it's an interesting read.

I sometimes like to read something for science before going to bed, too).


Well, it's interesting to read.

People are alive, after all.)

Yuriy Asaulenko:

I like to read something for science sometimes too).

I don't want to offend you again.

You need to promote your ideas now, not wait for the stardom that befell artists of yesteryear.

Uladzimir Izerski:

I don't want to offend you again.

You need to promote your ideas now, not wait for the stardom that befell artists of yesteryear.

That's what Cox and Oakes are doing. And quite successfully, I might add.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Is that all there is to it?

What suits me on m5 and gives a similar +/- couple of bars from does not fit the spirit of the scientific tension of this thread. "from theory to practice" for 500 pages has practically shown - catching knives for entries is not a worthwhile endeavour, what's the point of stalling in that direction. What would you like to see?

Yuriy Asaulenko:

So Cox and Oakes are promoting it. And quite successfully, I must say.

If there are new ideas, what's to stop you getting ahead of them? I see only humble admirers.

Uladzimir Izerski:

If there are new ideas, what prevents you from getting ahead of them? I see only humble admirers.

That's A.K. He's gushing with them.

Recalled K. Prutkov's "Fruit of Thought" - If you have a fountain, shut it up; let the fountain rest too.


"from theory to practice" in 500 pages has practically shown - catching knives for inputs is not a worthwhile endeavour, what's the point of stalling in that direction

It did not show anything, because the author is an amateur, and cannot even formulate his own ideas, let alone implement them. It is child's nattering for all 500 pages.
Evgeniy Chumakov:
Friends, please plot a couple more histograms from these files.

From the first file:

Average 0,002178956666667
Standard deviation 0,000152049847675
Moda 0,00293
Median 0,00193
First quartile -0,002
Third quartile 0,00511
Dispersion 0,000693574685341
Standard deviation 0,026335806145645
Skewness 1868,56796534387
Asymmetry 42,5433938987229
Range 1,17358
Minimum -0,01117
Maximum 1,16241
Sum 65,3687
Amount 30000

What suits me on m5 and gives a similar +/- couple of bars of does not fit the spirit of the scientific tension of this thread. "from theory to practice" for 500 pages has practically shown - catching knives for entries is not a worthwhile endeavour, what's the point in stalling in that direction. What would you like to see?

If you take the science of financial markets from this thread, the result may not be entirely scientific, but purely experimental and not proven positive.

But your experiments are good. Even for me.