From theory to practice - page 442


I don't know, Rena...

I asked to check on M1, I think Eugene has some results. Now I'm waiting for a trading signal from him. Curious.

Having initially grabbed the ticks, it's hard to give them up now.

But, I repeat, if there are people who show remarkable results on M1, on real, using the sum of increments instead of the price (and demonstrate them honestly, and not hide themselves like Alioshenka from "Machine Learning"), I will immediately switch to tics.

aleshenka was talking about seconds

I don't know, Rena...

I asked to check on M1, I think Eugene has some results. Now I'm waiting for a trading signal from him. Curious.

Having initially grabbed the ticks, it's hard to give them up now.

But, I repeat, if there are people who show remarkable results on M1, on real, using the sum of increments instead of the price (and demonstrate them honestly, and not hide like Alioshenka from "Machine Learning"), I'll immediately switch to tics.

It's only the flu that makes everyone sick together, going crazy on its own (c)

Are you just determined to break all the stereotypes? (с)


M1 is only a rough approximation of the process. The process itself is revealed only on tics.

The methods working on M1 should work on ticks as well.


I don't know, Rena...

I asked to check on M1, I think Eugene has some results. Now I'm waiting for a trading signal from him. Curious.

Having initially grabbed the ticks, it's hard to give them up now.

But, again, if I can find people who on M1, on real, using the sum of increments instead of price, show excellent results (and demonstrate them honestly, and not hide like Alioshenka from "machine learning ..."), then I will immediately switch to tics.


I'm sitting here scratching my head, wondering how to avoid a repeat signal in the same direction...

Of course, all sorts of things come to mind

widen/narrow the channel

the result - can't be avoided, because the market is just two global orders in fact

you may buy favorably at different prices and sell - also at different ones.

no one has and will never have an exact entry

something like that.

and i will most likely never beat my system...

I divide systems into levels

so the indicator (thechanalysis) is the first, so you're breaking the 1-st level grail

and as there is a 2nd (fundamental analysis) and a 3rd (without analysis), the 1st and 2nd are ruled out
Renat Akhtyamov:


I'm sitting here scratching my head as to how to avoid a repeat signal in the same direction...

I can't help but think of all sorts of things.

And for that you need to read a certain bas more carefully.

In between digging ridges in the garden and a good night's sleep, he sometimes produces masterpieces.


But for that you need to read a certain bas more carefully.

In between digging beds in the garden and a good night's sleep, he sometimes produces masterpieces.

Here's a level 1 grail

steeper (based on classification by % of profit relative to depo for the month) at 1 level does not work and did not work, at least at me

it was the topic starter of this thread who taught me this strategy in 2010

It's not a grail, of course, but just a regular doughnut:

And here is actually the beginning and my very first code mousetrap, but it worked and brought profit (with a lot of errors, including arithmetic and logical, with a huge list of unresolved issues. There are solutions on the forum (99% of them wrong), you just have to dig hard):

I would only read Alexander, although he too has made a mess of things ;)...
Не Грааль, просто обычненький такой - Баблокос!!!
Не Грааль, просто обычненький такой - Баблокос!!!
  • 2018.06.04
нууу... так как пытливым(светлым) умам - мастерам математического слива не нравится Граалеподобные торговые системы... то и ладно...
Evgeniy Chumakov:

I had the x parameter and variance designated as int , and the density was double.

Corrected to the following and everything reads correctly

double Density = (1/(MathSqrt((double)Dispersion) * MathSqrt(2 * 3.14159265358979323846)) * MathPow(2.71828182845904523536, - ((double)X * (double)X)/(2 * (double)Dispersion) ) );


Mathematical constants.



If you are not too lazy, plot the probability density distribution.

A file with the density is attached.

Aleshenka was talking about seconds

Kyshtym's? He's already dead.)

Alexander write something, it's getting boring. Also check out the density file (posted above), maybe you can suggest something interesting.
Evgeniy Chumakov:
Alexander write something, it's getting boring. Also check out the density file (posted above), maybe you'll suggest something interesting.

Yes, not much to write about yet. I won't be able to see the file until the weekend.

Here's today's transaction:

So far, +4% for the month. But compared to the results in one of the neighbouring threads, it's nothing.

Waiting for month end results, then there will be something to talk about.

P.S. Yes, it's a bit dull on the forum... Just remembered the old fighters from this thread: Asaulenko, Koldun, Wisard2018, podotr, Novaja, Serge, Vladimir, ... Where are you guys? Near which church are you standing? See you soon :)))