From theory to practice - page 428

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Well done, Eugene. Good thinking.


You know who's missing from this branch?


Missing is his fundamental power, hyperbolic tangents and some crushing logical thinking...

Yes, yes... I've only just realised that.


If only this multiplier (3) could be calculated dynamically, it would be interesting.

Alexander, write the algorithm for opening a trade in your personal message. Does the channel width etc. matter?

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Alexander, please send me the algorithm for opening a trade, it is clear that the increment is out of bounds. Does the width of the channel, etc. matter?

I am too lazy to write, Evgeniy. I am thinking about the grail. I will do it in a month, if I get the results on the real account. I promise.


I'm too lazy to write, Eugene. I'm thinking about the Grail. In a month, if there's a result on the real one. I promise.

Okay. [Sighs]

Evgeniy Chumakov:

OK .

Look at Volchanskiy's theme about scalping, modify it to your preferences, and work. Same eggs, only in profile.)
And you don't have to wait a month.)
Evgeniy Chumakov:

You also need a graph of the price itself. That would make it clearer.

Evgeniy Chumakov:


left to be tweaked in the tester

will there be any profit at all from this immense discussion?

You know who's missing from this branch?


Missing is his fundamental power, hyperbolic tangents and some crushing logical thinking...

Yes, yes... I've only just realized that.

Get some hyperbolic tangents and dream big.

   double            th(double v){return((exp(v)-exp(-v))/(exp(v)+exp(-v)));};// гиперболический тангенс
   double            sgm(double v){return(1/(1+exp(-v)));};//сигмоид