From theory to practice - page 334

Uladzimir Izerski:

One man's fake and one man's thought-provoking subject.

You already think you're a censor? There are moderators here, they will sort it out.

You have not noticed, there are no questions to the topic for reflection, much less complaints.) And fake is the endless announcing and endless promises of something grandiose for the time being in an empty space.

It's about the manner of communication. If you like the constant appeals to readers, such as "my foolish children" and so on. - You can make a selection yourself, well, that's your business, but in decent society such a thing is not accepted.


Oh, come on, Yuri - it's all for the beauty of the syllable... It's nothing.

The fact that there are no deals is not bullshit. I don't know what to think. It's really losing interest... Until I can figure out what's wrong, I'm gonna log on very infrequently.

I, like obviously most traders. don't need 9% and nine trades a month. Something's not right...

Trading is a complicated thing. There are many pitfalls to overcome as you find your understanding of the market. You have to understand the market and a window to cash will open. It takes years.

We'll miss you. Don't be gone too long.


The fact that there are no deals is not bullshit. I don't know what to think. Really losing interest... Until I figure out what's wrong, I'll be visiting the forum very rarely.

I, like apparently most traders. don't need 9% and 9 trades a month. Something's not right...

Answered in person.


Oh, come on, Yuri - it's all for the beauty of the syllable... It's nothing.

The fact that there are no deals is not bullshit. I don't know what to think. It's really losing interest... Until I can figure out what's wrong, I'm gonna log on very infrequently.

I, as apparently most traders do. Don't need it. 9% and 9 trades a month. Something doesn't feel right...

Nine percent a month, or with capitalisation 1.09^12 = 2.81, or 280% a year is quite suitable for investment. If it was stable... There would probably be better periods too. There were in the beginning, after all.

And if we include only two months among 12, where your deposit grew not by 9, but by 100%, you will get the calculated annual interest of 2.81*(2/1.09)^2 = 9.46 = 946%. Recall Marx's words that for 300% per annum a capitalist will sell anyone. You, Alexander, probably haven't come across long term capitalists who sometimes dream of 50% per annum.

Instead of publicly acknowledging the shame of physicists, let us know where we can see the trading results. A public discussion might point to opportunities for improvement unseen by you, but visible to others.


Nine percent a month, or with a capitalisation of 1.09^12 = 2.81, or 280% a year is quite a suitable investment. If only it were stable... There would probably be better periods too. There were in the beginning, after all.

And if we include only two months among 12, where your deposit grew not by 9, but by 100%, you will get the calculated annual interest of 2.81*(2/1.09)^2 = 9.46 = 946%. Remember Marx's words, the capitalist will sell anyone for 300% per annum. You, Alexander, have not come across long-term strategists who sometimes dream of 50% per annum.

Rather than a public admission of physicists' shame, let us know better where to see the trading results. A public discussion could point to opportunities for improvement invisible to you, but visible to others.

Long term strategies have a different purpose altogether.

A_K2 has a speculative strategy.

OK. You have 10 thousand quid - enough money to start a small business and, if you are lucky, make good money.

Have you taken up professional speculation at the rate of 9%/month of income? Note that this business is not the easiest and requires a lot of time, or more precisely, all the time). By the way, what will you eat? - is, among other things, about reinvestment).


:))) No, there is no shame. There is no Miracle, which I hoped to demonstrate. There is routine and boredom. But maybe there's more to come? I believe in it and a little work needs to be done.

To recall your words:

I assure you - in theoretical physics such problems as forex price movements are solved quite often, it is just that real physicists have no time to deal with them - they consider it unworthy to deal with such nonsense.

Well, well - it has strengthened my opinion that it is necessary to prove the contrary and to defend the honour of physicists.

Glad you've changed your position. You now consider unworthy nonsense to be a MIRROR. And you don't consider failure to be a loss of physics honour.

От теории к практике
От теории к практике
  • 2017.12.04
Добрый вечер, уважаемые трейдеры! Решил было на какое-то время покинуть форум, и сразу как-то скучно стало:)))) А просто читать, увы - неинтересно...

:))) No, there is no shame. There is no Miracle, which I hoped to demonstrate. There is routine and boredom. But maybe there's more to come? I believe in it and a little work needs to be done.

Think of it as a rehearsal for a discovery in string theory.

There will also be boredom, hypotheses, setting up experiments, designing KIPs for experiments, negative results,

and it's all back to square one, hypothesis testing, rejection of failed results.

And then bang and everything came together.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Long-term strategies have a different purpose altogether.

A_K2 has a speculative strategy.

OK. You have 10 thousand quid - enough money to start a small business and, if you're lucky, make good money.

Have you taken up professional speculation at the rate of 9%/month of income? Note that this business is not the easiest and requires a lot of time, or more precisely, all the time). By the way, what will you eat? - This is, among other things, about reinvestment).

On retail forex, unlike real exchange, all strategies are speculative. The very existence of the term "close a trade" speaks to this. It is not an investment. The comparison of A_K2 with long-term traders is due to the fact that it has a waiting period of weeks for a trade signal.

I don't see any difference whether I would go into speculation at 280% p.a. or not, or business, each of us is very individual. My main concern would be the stability of that 9% a month. Trouble is, Alexander is never going to get to history checks. And some will refuse because they are spoilt by a very different interest rate on arbitrage, which has now become extremely difficult.


:))) No, there is no shame. There is no Miracle, which I hoped to demonstrate. There is routine and boredom. But maybe there's more to come? I believe in it and it needs a little work.

Believing and sacredly hoping for the Russian luck is a good trait, but not always, especially in science. And the Germans will not approve of this at all initially. )))

It is clear that if you separate the noise component from the BP, the correlation with the real BP will be weak - hence the missing signals.

Moreover, a given flat strategy with a return to average built on ticks - will always suffer profitability because of the spread, which should also be obvious.

Maybe we should move to a larger TF - at least there will be a more profitable flat.

Nikolay Demko:

And then , boom, it all comes together.

It only happens in fairy tales about Ivan the Fool, and even there the magic pike is engaged in all scientific and practical activities instead of him. )))