From theory to practice - page 240

Renat Akhtyamov:

I don't understand why it is important for me, for example, to make money and not lose it, while others don't?

That is not how you originally posed the question. Like trying not to give a cent to anyone.

I think losses are an integral and even necessary part of the process. At one of the conferences it was mentioned that most exchanges work with ~50% of successful entries.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

That's not how you originally posed the question. Like trying not to give a cent to anyone.

I, on the other hand, consider losses to be an integral and even necessary part of the process. At one of the conferences, it was mentioned that most PBXs work with ~50% of successful entries.

The key point here is most, but how many of them are successful?

That's what I'm getting at, we need to refine it further.

He also said that success is not about good entries at all

Let me explain - a successful entry can be rendered unsuccessful in one moment by a counter-movement of the price against the order

So what is the point of searching for a successful entry and does it even exist?

Renat Akhtyamov:

The key word here is majority, but how many of them are successful?

That's the point I'm trying to make, we need to refine it further.

Also said that success is not about successful entries at all

Well, if they work, then apparently all of them.)

Actually, in business - more costs -> more profit. Or, in other words - more turnover -> more profit.

Didn't understand the latter - only the successful ones determine profit. Net profit is the ratio of successful/unsuccessful.

Zy. For me a successful entry and a successful trade are synonyms.))

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Well, if they're working, I guess that's it.)

Actually, in business - more costs -> more profit. Or, in other words - more turnover -> more profit.

Didn't understand the latter - only the successful ones determine profits. The net profit is the ratio of successful/unsuccessful.

Well, I'll tell you honestly - banks now are not taking so much risk, so they charge 48% of dough, not 66%.

That's how they spin these broads, that's how they trade in the financial market

How do they trade?

Exchange, of course.

But they have a commodity whose price you can play with.

And then there's a successful entry...

It's not a successful entry, it's a take-it-or-leave-it proposition, 50-50 in short, or even better - as the exchanger says, so it will be.

It's elementary, why am I telling you, the state has already shown...

Renat Akhtyamov:

And here we are, a lucky break...

It's not a successful entry, it's a take-it-or-leave-it situation, 50/50 in short.

It's elementary, why am I telling you...

I recently showed a test in another thread - only 40% of successful entries (trades). Effectiveness of net profit/total profit >60%.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Recently showed a test in another thread - only 40% successful entries (trades). Profit efficiency net/total >60%.

Exactly, that unsuccessful entry, or rather loss should be disproportionate to profit

The tester grails have been shown more than once.

This is the right way; just change the approach, and that's it

Renat Akhtyamov:

It's been shown more than once that the tester grails are in place.

The way is right, just change the approach and that's it.

The test ones are more interesting.)

What do you mean? What for?

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Test ones are more interesting.))

What do you mean?


you need to do your best to make the test and the real one the same, that's why i'm talking about a toy (there's a branch here).

A trader is also a participant in the financial market

Well, so as not to be flushed, at the very least

Renat Akhtyamov:

A trader is also a participant in the financial market

well, at least not to be drained

So far, somehow I haven't been able to).

Yuriy Asaulenko:

So far, somehow I haven't been able to.)

thanks to historical data

there's a lot of it.