From theory to practice - page 39

Leonardo flew the model, but when it came to reality, the man fell off the tower on his wings and crashed to the ground.

Come on, everyone started out at some point. And many were euphoric and already counting the millions their 100 quid would turn into. It passes quickly. Don't be so dramatic.

And that's how brokers and brokerage companies live, and they have to keep bringing in new clients. Most fall off in the first few months.

Renat Akhtyamov:
There's a search facility here. This thread already has a solid smell of trolling...

If you leaf through it, there's a persistent whiff of trolling with a "quantum physics" signpost, and what a fun thing to do. Only is it worth feeding the troll?

Alexander_K2, how does your model manage to read ticks from a csv file in 1 second increments if you have no time stamps in your input data?

Alexander_K2, I ran your model on other data, August and November. There are enough losing and near-zero trades there. Also, your model is not very robust, it depends on tick manipulation. If you feed it with thinned ticks (because VisSim cannot handle a big amount of ticks), then both entry points into deals and results of deals will change.

In general, our hopes for the grail are fading, while you have invented the bollinger)


Alexander_K2, I ran your model on other data, August and November. There are enough losing and near-zero trades there. Also, your model is not very robust, it depends on tick manipulation. If you feed it with thinned ticks (because VisSim cannot handle a big amount of ticks), then both entry points into deals and results of deals will change.

So our hopes for the grail are fading, while you have invented the bollinger)

I'm stuck, alexander_K2 wrote that the demo version is posted, while he has it in a different way. You only use some ersatz. What claims? It does not have to work.


So there is nothing to write about yet) you rolled out some model without meaning, and you refuse to state its meaning. What is there to discuss then?

If there's nothing to discuss, then why are you continuing?
Alexander_K2, how does your model manage to read ticks from csv file with 1 second step, if you have no time stamps in your input data?

Right click on the Ask and Bid .csv export blocks and set the time to Fixed Interval. This time should match the time in the Time Step field of the Simulation Properties menu. By this you select the speed of ticks reading.


Right click on the Ask and Bid .csv export blocks and set the time to Fixed Interval. This time should match the time in the Time Step field in the Simulation Properties menu. By doing so, you select the tick reading speed.

But ticks don't come with such exact interval in reality, therefore model error will be very high and as a consequence all conclusions will be incorrect.

Have you found topics like yours on the forum?

Yuriy Asaulenko:

I'm stuck, Alexander_K2 wrote that the demo version is posted, and it's not the same for him. You only use some ersatz version. What are your complaints? It does not have to work.

I DO!!! I do not and will not give anyone the final version of the program. I want people to THINK and work independently. I will only give a hint once in a while to the most persistent ones.

Right click on the Ask and Bid .csv export blocks and set the time to Fixed Interval. This time should match the time in the Time Step field in the Simulation Properties menu. By doing so, you select the tick reading speed.

It is a good idea to warn you once again that you have posted an incomplete version, so that people do not suffer and do not look for something which does not exist).
I want people to THINK and work independently. I'll just give a hint once in a while to the most persistent ones.
I only need a sofa to do my job. All the rest is unnecessary. Someone else's desires and advice, and even more so tips, too. If you need it, I will ask).

And you - I want people to THINK and work independently. I will only occasionally prompt the most persistent ones.


As they say - Counsellor, remember - counsellors get beaten).