How do I make a deposit? - page 3

Vitalii Ananev:

I know what competition is. Let's have it your way, because you are reacting very strongly to it. Let's change the terminology a bit. The client chooses the contractor on a competitive basis. From the variety of performers the customer chooses by some criteria the most suitable one, the others who did not pass the competitive selection process remain out of business.

"I'm just explaining that competition in freelancing is a myth, a fiction of those who have nothing to do with it + a common misconception of customers, which, by the way, harms them.

I'm just surprised why you don't want to understand my explanations. I made it clear several times in different words that your "remain idle" is invalid in practice - because a working developer always has an order. He cannot be "out of business" because there are more customers and orders than developers.

I hope it comes to that now. Because I've covered the issue and there's no point in discussing it further.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

"I'm simply explaining that competition in freelancing is a myth, a fabrication of those who have nothing to do with it + a common misconception of customers, which, by the way, hurts them.

I'm just surprised why you don't want to understand my explanations. I made it clear several times in different words that your "remain idle" is invalid in practice - because a working developer always has an order. He cannot be "out of business" because there are more customers and orders than developers.

I hope it comes to that now. Because I opened the question, and I see no point in discussing it further.

I see no point in discussing it any further. But there is only one thing I do not understand. With the fact that the customer chooses the implementer, and not the contractor, do you agree? And if the contractor hasn't proven himself, hasn't passed, for example, a sanity test.

for example

If the performer hasn't proven himself or herself and hasn't passed sanity check, the chance that he will get an order is much less than a performer who has his own client base and any recommendations from other customers.

Ivan Butko:
Contests on demo accounts at brokers, what else?

How much are we talking about?

Vitalii Ananev:

Good. But there's just one thing I don't understand. Do you agree that the client chooses the contractor and not the contractor the client? And if the performer has not proved himself, for example, was not tested for sanity, the chances that he will get the order is much less than the performer who has his own customer base and any recommendations from other customers.

No. It is the developer who chooses the customer. And not every developer will work with each order and each customer.

And there are cases, when the developer completely fulfills the terms of reference - and instead of giving it to the customer - makes a refund of the prepayment, in order not to continue to work with the customer.

You are confusing the apparent procedure with the actual situation.

The client goes to the developer, shows his terms of reference and expects an answer -- and not every answer is a yes.

It's a fine line, but that's exactly what it is: the developer chooses the order and the customer. It also follows from the fact that there is no competition and that there are more customers than developers.

Andrew Petras:

How much are we talking about?

A thousand dollars...

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

No. It is the developer who chooses the customer. And not every developer will work with every customer.

And there are cases where a developer completes the TOR in full - and instead of handing it over to the customer - makes a refund on the advance payment, so as not to work with the customer again.

You are confusing the apparent procedure with the actual situation.

The client goes to the developer, shows his TOR and expects an answer -- and not every answer is a yes.

It's a fine line, but that's exactly what it is: the developer chooses the order and the customer. It also follows from the fact that there is no competition and that there are more customers than developers.

So in fact the process of accepting an order is not as you can see in the freelance service. And all these orders and several applications for these orders are just the appearance of some kind of competitive selection.

Ivan Butko:

A thousand dollars...

To place a $1K deposit with some kind of profitability and a drawdown of no more than 10%, you need less risky assets to bring in extra profit of at least 100USD per month (i.e. something you can't spend). Or you may just win the lottery :-).

As if there is no other way. You can break the rules of MM invented by brokers, but you cannot break personal budget rules. There is such a notion as an investment pyramid, sometimes indirectly discussed with forex, which is actually the basis.

Vitalii Ananev:

That is, the actual process of accepting orders does not exist as you can see by looking at the freelance service. And all these orders and several applications for these orders are just the appearance of some kind of competitive selection.


The client bids, the developers bid on it.

the customer considers these bids, estimates, appeals -- then chooses from the counter bids received.

only the developer, given the lack of orders, won't "bust his ** ass".

for example, I wrote a cost of 100 -- the customer says to me "there are lots of proposals for 30" -- I said "ok, work with them" -- in the evening I have an order for 100

that's the competition.

p.s. this is an exaggerated but typical example (so that the essence of competition in freelancing is clear).

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

All of your talking points are wrong by definition:

1. "Appreciate every penny" -- when the first loss occurs, then the loss of amounts commensurate with several years' wages is accepted calmly. So, those who have gone through the loss of a deposit at least once and stayed -- they may appreciate every penny -- in a shop, when buying something, but not here.

2. "Scalping, overclocking" -- these are far from "nonsense" as you put it. Such TCs allow you to potentially "make" 100% per month or more. Yes, they lead to a guaranteed and very fast loss of deposit. But with a smart money management they allow increasing the total profit. The rapid growth of the deposit attracts those who have "every penny counts" in real trading.

I do not want to split hairs, but on highly volatile markets such as forex scalping cannot happen. Everyone who believes in such scalping is a victim of greed and a big cheat.

There is scalping in the stock market, not in the currency market.

Vladimir Pastushak:

I don't want to get into a polemic, but in highly volatile decentralised markets like forex scalping cannot happen, everyone who believes in such scalping is a victim of greed and a big scam.

In the stock market there is scalping, but not in the currency market.

When I say"scalping, overclocking", I mean a whole layer of TS and even approaches to trading (in the manner of entries with excessive lot), which are capable of giving high percentages of growth in a short time.