How do I make a deposit? - page 2

Ivan Butko:

Why not here? The profile feed is constantly full of thank you notes, orders, and so on. I take it they're making good money...

There is no button to take an order.

In all popular freelance services (not only here), there is a lot of competition among performers, as there are always several times fewer customers than performers. And the first thing a beginner freelancer does is to build up a reputation and regular clients, and then he starts earning money, unless of course he abandons this business before he gains enough clients to have a stable income.

Vitalii Ananev:

In all popular freelance services (not only here), there is a lot of competition among performers, as there are always several times fewer customers than performers. And the first thing a beginner freelancer earns a reputation and regular customers, and then he starts earning, unless of course he abandoned the case before it will gain enough clients to have a stable income.

This is fundamentally wrong conclusion - it's not confirmed by practice and it's generated only by those who are not familiar with freelancing or know it only on the level of a couple of jobs or attempts to get some orders.

There is no competition in freelancing and never has been. There are always more customers than developers.

Each developer works in his own niche. It is clear that newbies and temps work in the lowest price category, creating the effect of participation.

Competition is when an order is taken at any price, including outright dumping (i.e. when an order is filled using your own reserves, such as time).

No sane developer with experience will take an order at any price. There is only one reason: there are other orders.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

This is a fundamentally wrong conclusion - it is not borne out by practice and is only generated by those who are unfamiliar with freelancing or are only familiar with a couple of jobs or attempts to take on a few jobs.

There is no competition in freelancing and never has been. There are always more customers than developers.

Each developer works in his own niche. It is clear that newbies and temps work in the lowest price category, creating the effect of participation.

Competition is when an order is taken at any price, including outright dumping (i.e. when an order is filled using your own reserves, such as time).

No sane developer with experience will take an order at any price. There is only one reason: there are other orders.

So it can be concluded from your words that the client has no or very limited options for choosing a developer.

Mickey Moose:
You open a freelance service, look for a customer and do the job. I don't mean the service here, it's impossible.

In fact, having analyzed other freelance exchanges, other IT areas, came to the conclusion that, on the contrary, it is the easiest here. There is less competition, because the number of requests is not under hundreds as in other exchanges, the level of qualification for execution is not very high (in other exchanges it is not so, high qualification is required), and prices, if you think that everywhere pay a lot, you are mistaken.

Елена Арефьева:

You can write paid posts on forums where forex brokers act as sponsors, monetising your earnings in the form of deposit bonuses. Earned funds are withdrawn without problems and in full.

In addition, some brokers pay for articles on various financial topics without too much attention to the material quality. Without too much effort you can make a hundred quid just by rewriting "axiomatic truths" from the Internet.

But these bonus funds must be worked off, lots must be filled at least.

Vitalii Ananev:

So you may be saying that the client has no or very limited choice of developer.

Where there are more than two developers there is always a choice of developer.

I explained the rest above.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Where there are more than two developers there is always a choice of developer.

I explained the rest above.

But you see, there are two developers for one customer. And they're not competing with each other? If you look at freelancing around here, you can see that the customer can choose from at least 5-10 developers.

From which we can conclude that there is competition after all.

Vitalii Ananev:

But you see, there are two developers for one customer. And they are not competing with each other? If you look at freelancing around here, you can see that the client can choose from at least 5-10 developers.

From which it is concluded that the competition still exists.

Are you involved in freelancing? How many jobs have you performed?

There is no competition in freelancing and never has been.

A sensible freelancer is always in demand and when the next order comes, it will always be at least one more order.

The number of developers who sign up for a job doesn't indicate any competition.

Do you know the term "competition"? Familiarize yourself with it:Конкуренция.

There may be what you call "competition" in the "participation category" (I'll call it the category where freelancing newbies participate) -- but for those who work in freelancing, the struggle in the "participation category" has no effect on either the number of customers or the cost.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

How are you involved in freelancing? How many commissioned jobs have you done?

There is no competition in freelancing and there never has been.

A sensible freelancer is always in demand and when another job comes in, it will always be at least one more job.

The number of developers who sign up for a job doesn't make you aware of the competition.

Do you know the term "competition"? Familiarize yourself with it:Конкуренция.

There may be what you call "competition" in the "participation category" (I'll call it the category where freelancing newbies participate) -- but for those who work in freelancing, the struggle in the "participation category" has no effect on either the number of customers or the cost.

I know what competition is. Let's have it your way, because you're reacting very strongly to it. Let's change the terminology a bit. The client chooses the contractor on a competitive basis. From the set of performers the client chooses by some criteria the one who is more suitable for him, the others who have not passed the competitive selection are out of business and are looking for another customer.