Selling the Philosopher's Stone - page 13

Mickey Moose:

Actually a million is too small, this is better, and it costs pennies.

everything in this world is relative :)
I have a philosopher's stone. I'll give it to you for nothing, from the bottom of my heart. And you won't need any robots to do it. Buy currencies for roubles, in a couple of years you will exchange them back at twice the price (if you manage to do so in time). You may buy bitcoins for 1000, in a couple of years you will sell them back at 20+ times price (if you will be able to sell them and if they won't collapse). Go for it.
And intelligence is the ability to draw the right conclusions, which money cannot measure. And you can't sell a philosopher's stone for it.

Do you really believe that by imprisoning yourself in a cell as a monk you can achieve enlightenment?


Do you really believe that by imprisoning yourself in a cell as a monk you can achieve enlightenment?

To each his own.
to each his own.
So if a person is not destined to have an epiphany by horoscope, he will die a dark man?
So if a person is not meant to have an epiphany according to his horoscope, he will die dark?
Well, if your horoscope determines your epiphany, I guess so.
Well, if your horoscope determines your epiphany, then yes.

Well, what else can determine it if not the horoscope?

I have a philosopher's stone. I'll give it to you for nothing, from the bottom of my heart. And you won't need any robots to do it. Buy currencies for roubles, in a couple of years you will exchange them back at twice the price (if you manage to do so in time). You may buy bitcoins for 1000, in a couple of years you will sell them back at 20+ times price (if you will be able to sell them and if they won't collapse). Go ahead.
In 20 years, either the donkey or the Shah will start talking for money :).
Alexander Filippov:
The donkey was taught to speak by Hodja Nasreddin for money, of course. In 20 years, either the donkey or the shah will be horsewhipped:)
I am not urging anyone to do anything. All the more so for money. I am only stating what the Voice of the Universe is telling me :D This is one of the outcomes - it's obvious to me personally, but judging from the conversation with Merz it may be absolutely meaningless to many. There is always the possibility of a different outcome. And for some it is determined by horoscope, while the mind of the other is determined by the crowd.
I'm just stating what the voice of the universe is telling me :D

I wonder if it's the voice of the impure :)