Selling the Philosopher's Stone - page 8

Alexander Filippov:

They are a separate caste, to them the question is always, if we are so smart, why are we so poor?

An intelligent person is not poor. If a clever person lives poorly, it is because he wants to.

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

A clever man is never poor. If a clever man lives poorly, it is because he wants to.

Spiritually poor, flawed people strive for wealth, seeking at least to earn the respect they need for some reason... But gaining millions but not gaining respect and losing it even more, rich people remain defective rich people.

True monks in monasteries are penniless people. Nevertheless, it would be inappropriate to call them fools.


The poor, spiritually defective people strive for wealth, seeking at least at the expense of wealth to earn the respect they need for some reason... But gaining millions and not gaining respect, but losing it even more, rich people remain defective rich people.

True monks in monasteries are people without a penny to their name. Nevertheless, it would be inappropriate to call them fools.

the words of a true monk. amen.

Mickey Moose:

the words of a true monk. Amen.

yes, I already got a haircut.

with God.


The poor, spiritually defective people strive for wealth, seeking at least at the expense of wealth to earn the respect they need for some reason... But gaining millions and not gaining respect but losing it even more, rich people remain defective rich people.

True monks in monasteries are people without a penny to their name. Nevertheless, it would be inappropriate to call them fools.

All this is because when the human soul acquired a physical body as well as physical consciousness, they all became unequal. The intelligent, the stupid, the rich, the poor ... were formed.

Everything depends on who and how writes down his desires in the subconsciousness of the soul in the form of a program and whether he is good or bad, these desires are always fulfilled.

But many do not understand this and ask all the time why stupid and bad people become rich.


The poor, spiritually defective people strive for wealth, seeking at least at the expense of wealth to earn the respect they need for some reason... But, gaining millions and not gaining respect, but losing it even more, rich people remain defective rich people.

True monks in monasteries are penniless people. Nevertheless, it would be inappropriate to call them fools.

monks don't write how to make money
Petros Shatakhtsyan:

A clever man is never poor. If a clever man lives poorly, it is what he wants.

It all depends on how you measure intelligence.

If you think that intelligence is measured by the amount of money you get (which I personally think it is), that's right. But there are alternative ways of measuring intelligence.

George Merts:

It all depends on how you measure intelligence.

If you think of intelligence as being measured by the amount of money you make (which is what I personally think), then you're right. But there are alternative views on how to measure intelligence.

The amount of money you receive is determined by your employer or the market if you are self-employed and cannot be more than a certain amount that you are able to digest. Whether the market needs you or not is another question. But it can by no means be a measure of your mental capacity.

To know if you are clever or not, you have to compare your intelligence with others.

It is better to do this from school and take part in the Olympiads. Win at the school Olympiad, go to the city Olympiad, then to the national Olympiad, and finally to the international Olympiad.

And if you win a medal from there, even better. Such people, everyone is happy to apply everywhere. But it's a long and difficult road.

Whether you are smart or dumb, here you have been given the opportunity to make a profitable robot, sell it, and create a good signal or freelance orders.

You just have to show what you can do. What else is there to do? Sit around and wait for God to give everyone a bag of gold?

The amount of money you receive is determined by your employer or the market, if you are self-employed, and cannot be more than a certain amount that you are able to digest. Whether the market needs you or not is another question. But it can by no means be a measure of your mental capacity.

That's funny... The employer determines the level of your money...

Isn't it you who determines the employer?

If the market doesn't want you it means that you have nothing of value to offer. In that case - your mind can be anything, it doesn't matter - you are still stupid.

Here - as in the second beginning of thermodynamics - the fact that the body is full of "energetic" molecules is irrelevant. The body is still useless and worthless in terms of energy production.