Help me find a laptop - page 8

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

So there was a homemade 8 as well... As you know - any variant of transferring the picture will lead to loss of time, anyway.

We'll have to try it and see what happens.

Oh, it's hot in here) I should clean my laptop, never thought of that before. It's confusing to read you all))

What do you mean builds, maybe 2 lines? Opened the link, there's nothing for Windows 10.

For Win 10 you don't need to install anything.

And if your laptop has 10 Windows and your desktop has 7 Windows, can you connect them via RDP?

Everything will work fine.

You can even install an RDP client on a smartphone or tablet (android), it works fine, but there are inconveniences, the picture is small and there is no mouse.

Sergey Chalyshev:

Everything will work fine.

You can even install an RDP client on a smartphone or tablet (android), it works fine, but there are some inconveniences, the picture is small and there is no mouse.

Thanks, I will figure out how to do it. Once the access is configured, it's as symmetric to the two computers. Both one and the other will have access to the desktop of the other?
Thanks, so I'll have to figure out how to do this. Once access is set up, how is it symmetrical between the two computers? Both one and the other will have access to the other's desktop?

Not symmetrical, optional, depends on the settings

Vladimir Zubov:

Nothing needs to be installed for Win 10.

You are mistaken.

It's better to master the UPU and not bother. It's all in terabytes.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
It's better to master the UPU and not bother. It's all in terabytes.
I'm happy with my desktop computer, it's fast enough and has enough memory. I have backup power and backup Internet, so why should I pay for a UPU?
I'm fine with my desktop computer, it's fast enough and has enough memory. I have power and internet backup, so why would I pay for a UPS?

And how good is the UPS? You probably have it as a backup, don't you?