November registration for the Real Accounts (Cents) Championship is now open - page 7


How can they not, you announced the contest from the official website and all participants are local practically users of the website. Don't talk nonsense, the methaquots can be swindled. They are there in Cyprus true, but the site can be blocked to try. This is your comrade Server yes? You have to run urgently to do the cup and give the champion with a cash prize as promised, and you are showing off. Who will have anything to do with you after this kind of trickery? Nobody cares about problems with citizenship, he made a commitment and let him fulfil it. And if you and Vladislav are his friends, you can go along and fix the problem together.

Don't you really understand that you have deceived people? The three of you - Muradasilov, Muzychenko and Andriushenko cannot be trusted, do you understand that or not?

I will say it again: "If you are not in the loop, it is better to remain silent than to show all the signs of idiocy". If you really want to say something off-topic, go and say it to your grandmother.


Just noticed.


Explain to people what and how to be on the subject than to send them!

Why was the prize not given, where is the organizer, etc.?

Continue with the championships, it was a very good start, it is never too late to improve the situation.

Renat Akhtyamov:

Just noticed.


Explain to people what's going on so they know what to do and how to do it!

Why didn't they give the prize away, where's the organiser and so on.

Well, continue with the championships, the beginning was very good, to correct the situation is never too late and should.

It is written right here:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

November registration for the Championship of real accounts (cents) is open

Dmitry Chepik, 2018.03.01 13:56

It's alright he's having a little trouble, here's a quote from the correspondence:

"I have difficulties, in connection with the adoption of new citizenship,and a change of passport, while I do not have access to my accounts, until I pass the verification again everywhere + other documents . Timing I can not name - does not depend on me )" .

Can`t these difficulties be fixed in three months? I think he just told me to fuck off).

He did not get in touch with me.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Well, that's what it says:

He hasn't contacted me.

All right. We'll wait. It never happens.

At least he didn't give up anything.


How can they not, you announced the contest from the official website and all participants are local practically users of the website. Don't talk nonsense, the methaquots can be swindled. They are there in Cyprus true, but the site can be blocked to try. This is your comrade Server yes? You have to run urgently to do the cup and give the champion with a cash prize as promised, and you are showing off. Who will have anything to do with you after this kind of trickery? Nobody cares about problems with citizenship, he made a commitment and let him fulfil it. And if you and Vladislav are his friends, you can go along and fix the problem together.

Don't you really understand that you have deceived people? The three of you - Muradasilov, Muzychenko and Andriushenko cannot be trusted, do you understand that or not?

Oh, wait a minute. What does this have to do with me?
I put a donation into the contest fund. So that there was something to give prizes for. What does this have to do with me? I have nothing to do with the contest. I donated a little money because I participated in the contest myself.
Vladislav Andruschenko:
Wait. How did I come into this?
I have made a donation to the competition fund. So that there would be something to give prizes for. What does this have to do with me? I have nothing to do with the contest. I donated a little money because I participated in the competition.

We have a winner without an award ceremony, a cup and prizes. Explain to the community why we should trust you after that?

Administration: Please remove personal data (text) here and here

Sergey Novokhatskiy:

If memory serves me correctly, the methaquot administration had nothing to do with it. The whole competition was the initiative of a small group of local "natives". Thanks to them, in principle, it was interesting to watch.

So all your attacks I think not justified on your part. And if you pay attention, at the expense of these guys, they are sponsors, they have allocated their dough for prizes, they are fussing over everything... So you do not do it for nothing, by the way.

There is a saying: never do good, never get bad in return...

I think that's where it started:

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Metakvot has nothing to do with this contest at all! The organizer of the contest doesn't appear on the site for a few months, apparently some personal problems.

If you're not on the subject, I ask you to make such statements to your grandmother from now on.

How did it go with the AO championship? - I tried to get the prizes for participants, myself refused the prize in any case, and what was the result?

I got bullied and I got blamed for everything... At least here, the case came to the competition, and the outcome is very good, unlike the sad results of my endeavours.

And, I was right about the need to add such clauses to the rules:

  • By registering for the Contest, the Participant expresses his/her full consent to these Rules without any exceptions or limitations
    • The competitor agrees not to make any financial or other claims against the organiser and the sponsors.
  • The organiser reserves the right to deny a competitor registration without giving any reason, or to disqualify a competitor with an explanation

So, fuck all of you who have a beef with Rev. Server.


We have a winner without an award ceremony, cup and prize money. Explain to the community why we should believe you after that?

never take anyone's word for it. read the rules and either accept the rules of the game or .... Those who took part in the event - the rules are accepted and have no claim to neither legally nor morally, and the organizer had no material interest, he only incurred costs from the personal budget and "slop" on his head.

We have a winner without an award ceremony, cup and prize money. Explain to the community why we should believe you after that?

Administration: Please remove the personal data (textual) here and here

Yeah. How did I get affected?

I also had no financial gain. While everyone was resting or going spring fishing, I sat and spent my own time writing the website-monitoring, then spent my own time editing the conditions and rating calculations - and all this without profit. In one contest I also made a contribution to the prize fund.

Now comes a geratydys from nowhere, and begins to accuse me and others of something, not understanding in general how it was all organized, and how it worked, and hopefully will work again.