German elections, when to short the euro, or buy it? - page 14


"Very roughly" our Universe is described by an eight-dimensional model MINIMUM.

Well, as someone who criticises the theory of inflationary expansion of the universe, you do know that string theory operates on 10 and 26 dimensional space, which THEORETORICALLY can be rolled down to a 4 dimensional model.....

Dima, when you figure out string theory, tell me - okay? By the way, in the Vedas, which are many thousands of years old, it was written about 36 dimensions.
And I have to run to a lecture.



Learn normal manners and how to use a search engine (Google, Yandex)...

Vladimir Suschenko:

Learn normal manners of communication and how to use a search engine (Google, Yandex)...

That's what I thought.

Nikolai Semko:

Dima, when you get to grips with string theory, tell me - okay? By the way, the Vedas, which are many thousands of years old, have written about 36 dimensions.
And I have to run to a lecture.

No, it's not okay.


No, it's not good.

It's good that it's not good. ))


That's what I thought.

It's a very useful thing to think about. Practice it more often...

Vladimir Suschenko:

It's a very useful thing to think about. Practise it more often...

Don't lie any more - it's a great sin


Don't lie any more - it's a big sin

Did you come up with it now when you "thought about it", or did someone tell you?


Politiken, Denmark

Merkel has no children. Macron has no children. Juncker has no children. Doesn't that fact say something about European leaders and faith in the future?

Many of today's European leaders are childless. This is highly symptomatic of a continent that has lost hope and faith in itself.

Iben Thranholm

What does Angela Merkel have in common with Emmanuel Macron and Theresa May, apart from their surnames beginning with the letter "M" and the fact that they stand at the head of Europe's biggest states?

They are all childless. And they are not alone in this. A number of political leaders in Europe are childless. They include Mark Rutte of the Netherlands, Paolo Gentiloni of Italy, Simonetta Sommaruga of Switzerland, Stephan Leuven of Sweden, Xavier Bettel of Luxembourg, Nicolas Sturgeon of Scotland and Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission.

Is it possible that they are all quite by chance childless?

Possible, but unlikely.

Rather, they illustrate a culture that has lost faith in itself and thus also the drive to reproduce.

At the same time, they bear the mark of globalism, where people are not tied to family, state or culture.

A new EU-funded research report entitled "No Kids, No Problem! (No Kids, No Problem!) exposes "how personal and cultural factors shape attitudes towards voluntary childlessness in Europe. Europeans are less and less inclined to see childlessness as a problem.

According to statisticians, Angela Merkel's alarmingly low birth rate suggests that childlessness is highly symptomatic ...

In my opinion, mass immigration is made possible because our own culture is sick.


Childlessness is just a symptom of a much more serious disease that has spread through much of the western world.

In one of his major works, entitled Søren Kierkegaard's Disease Towards Death, he describes how a man who is unwilling to think about the spiritual dimension of himself comes to despair, loses hope and eventually loses himself.

What Kierkegaard is talking about is nothing less than spiritual death, which is far worse than physical death.

So childless politicians are merely a reflection of what is going on in a society that is characterised by spiritual exhaustion and weariness with life.


Published 22/09/2017

У Меркель нет детей. У Макрона нет детей. У Юнкера нет детей. Разве не говорит этот факт кое-что о европейских руководителях и вере в будущее?
У Меркель нет детей. У Макрона нет детей. У Юнкера нет детей. Разве не говорит этот факт кое-что о европейских руководителях и вере в будущее?
  • 2017.09.24
ну ничего себе! вот это статейка! Но поздно уже. Когда "ум" заменил "мудрость" - тогда уже всё поздно. Не случившееся будущее уже не будет. Ничего не поделать.
Nikolai Semko:

Found it. For example this article here. The effect is called a gravitational lens. I quote:"it was not until 1979 that the first gravitational lens was discovered -- the image of quasar Q0957+561 had its "twin" with the same spectrum andredshift."

So in practice it does come to light.

Nicholas, the topic is an off-topic for the thread, so I'll respond one last time. The article you cited describes exactly what I explained to you - the light from the star goes a) directly to us; b) the other part, coming out at an angle to us, gets into a strong gravitational field on the way, unfolds in it and also eventually reaches the Earth. If your statement were true, then in case b) the redshift would be much stronger than in case a). But in reality (and it is written in the article), the red shift is the same in both cases, which contradicts your assumptions.

Well in general, in science the ultimate arbiter is experiment. If any experimental facts contradicting the most established theories are found, the theories are refined or rejected altogether. Therefore come up with an experiment (at least mental, or numerical) that confirms your assumptions, and they will turn (in time), into a generally accepted theory.

Oh and also, there's a wonderful resource on the web - PostScience. There leading scientists from all fields of knowledge, explain complex phenomena in simple language. Physics, astronomy, mathematics, biology, history. I highly recommend it.