German elections, when to short the euro, or buy it? - page 11


On the subject of dreams...

Бабочка Чжуанцзы
Отправившись на поиски черной кошки Конфуция, кошки, которую очень трудно искать в тёмной комнате, особенно если её там нет, мы случайно набрели... нет, ни на кошку и не на мышку, а на бабочку. Это не просто коллекционная бабочка, не махаон - мечта энтомологов. Это призрачная бабочка, которая приснилась любителю парадоксов, китайскому философу...
Alexey Volchanskiy:

The main thing here is not to fall into recursion, here's an example from a long time ago ))


One day they got together, as usual, ....

Nikolai Semko:

it's not recursion, it's an infinite loop ))

Alexey Volchanskiy:

it's not recursion, it's an infinite loop ))

It's not infinite. Sooner or later you'll close the browser, shut down the computer or, at the very least, it will die of old age. )))

Nikolai Semko:

It is not infinite. Sooner or later you'll close the browser, turn off the computer or, at the very least, it will die of old age. )))

Uh-huh, and then there's the heat death of the universe ) then the next BingBang, but Chuck Norris will be smiling even then )

Alexey Volchanskiy:

A story was born.

Poet ;)
Alexey Volchanskiy:

it's not recursion, it's an infinite loop ))

More accurately, it's a loop.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Uh-huh, and then there's the heat death of the universe ) then the next BingBang, but Chuck Norris will be smiling even then )

BingBang only exists in the minds of scientists. And how can they not understand that redshift is a consequence of the curvature of the space-time continuum, and as a consequence of the fact - when the real distance between two objects in the universe is always less than the length of the path of light between them. To use an analogy with the surface of the Earth: when the shortest distance between, say, Moscow and New York City passes not through the surface of the Earth, but through the Earth. And the further the points are apart, the greater will be the ratio of the distance across the surface to the distance along the shortest line. The same is true of the space-time continuum: as the distance of objects in the Universe increases, so does the ratio of the length of the trajectory of light to the actual distance between them. This is the essence of redshift, but it is not the result of the Doppler effect.

(And Ostap gets carried away... )))

I apologise for being off-topic...

Nikolai Semko:

BingBang only exists in the minds of scientists. And how they cannot understand that redshift is a consequence of the curvature of the space-time continuum, and as a consequence of the fact - when the actual distance between two objects in the Universe is always less than the length of the path of light between them. To use an analogy with the surface of the Earth: when the shortest distance between, say, Moscow and New York City passes not through the surface of the Earth, but through the Earth. And the further the points are apart, the greater will be the ratio of the distance across the surface to the distance along the shortest line. The same is true of the space-time continuum: as the distance of objects in the Universe increases, so does the ratio of the length of the trajectory of light to the actual distance between them. This is the essence of redshift, but it is not the result of the Doppler effect.

(And Ostap gets carried away... )))

Sorry for being off-topic...

Oh, bullshit, it's not the kind of crap we've used... )

Nikolai Semko:

BingBang only exists in the minds of scientists. And how they cannot understand that redshift is a consequence of the curvature of the space-time continuum, and as a consequence of the fact - when the actual distance between two objects in the Universe is always less than the length of the path of light between them. To use an analogy with the surface of the Earth: when the shortest distance between, say, Moscow and New York City passes not through the surface of the Earth, but through the Earth. And the further the points are apart, the greater will be the ratio of the distance across the surface to the distance along the shortest line. The same is true of the space-time continuum: as the distance of objects in the Universe increases, so does the ratio of the length of the trajectory of light to the actual distance between them. This is the essence of redshift, but it is not the result of the Doppler effect.

(And Ostap gets carried away... )))

I apologise for being off-topic...

If it were true, then light from a distant star on its way to us near a massive object, such as a black hole, would experience a much larger redshift than light from a similar star not on its way to us in an anomalous gravitational field. No such thing is found in practice.

Sorry about the offtops.