Who can tell me what's going on with the USD today?!!!! - page 6

George Merts:

Quite an interesting point of view on everything that is going on, even a nice read.


Gold is as limited on the planet as bitcoins. So the more they print, the more expensive gold and bitcoins become. The only good thing about gold is that it won't disappear in a blackout.

Aleksey Altukhov:

Gold is as limited on the planet as bitcoins. So the more they print, the more expensive gold and bitcoin become. The only good thing about gold is that it won't disappear in a blackout.

Well, that's why they limit its circulation.

I'm sure they will do everything they can to limit bitcoin.

For example, they are trying to make their own "cryptocurrency from the Central Bank of Russia", and the United States is also trying to develop its own cryptocurrency... Only their cryptocurrency will not differ from non-cash rubles or dollars, because its model will necessarily include a managed issue.

Bitcoin issuance is rationed and uncontrolled. That is what makes bitcoin attractive. It has all the attributes of money, plus it cannot be "printed", which means that even though it has no use value, it does not have inflation.

Набиуллина сравнила криптовалюты с финансовыми пирамидами
Набиуллина сравнила криптовалюты с финансовыми пирамидами
  • 2017.09.14
  • Татьяна Абрикосова
  • life.ru
Глава Банка России Эльвира Набиуллина считает, что набирающее популярность использование криптовалют имеет много схожего с "финансовыми пирамидами". — Стоимость во многом растёт из-за того, что вовлекается в эти схемы всё большее и большее количество участников. И, конечно, большой вопрос: нужно ли легализовывать? Мы пирамиды, вообще-то, с вами...
Aleksandr Yakovlev:

And I've done 100% of the depo for the week)))) and I'll do some more tomorrow.

And I made a little more tomorrow.


EURUSD and GBPUSD used to run almost in sync, like twin brothers. After the brexit, the synchronism is broken. Today the pound is going against the dollar altogether. Has it really become stronger than the dollar? Did the brexit add to its strength?


The dollar's position in the world has been shaken. It has been shaken badly.

It is being restrained from swinging, but no one can say how long it will last.

It keeps its usual movements, but it weakens little by little, like a wounded bird in the wing and still in flight. Only the airflow in flight sustains it. But sooner or later it will have to land and be devoured.

It will be a collapse.