Who can tell me what's going on with the USD today?!!!! - page 5

George Merts:

Well... The cartoon said it right. You could, of course, not use foul language, just like children who have learned a few foul words, but in essence it's all true.

Bitcoin, in my opinion, is not a fucking bubble - the problem is that it is backed by expended resources. A dollar (or ruble, or MMM ticket) can easily be printed as much as needed. Bitcoin, on the other hand, can never be printed. Resources (computational and energy) must be invested in Bitcoin.

In today's world, any currency is just "the word of honour of a group of comrades". But bitcoin is significantly different precisely because , while it too is only "the word of a group of comrades" - its inflation is rationed much more strictly than any other currency. With a mathematical algorithm, it is impossible to "negotiate the release of additional bitcoins". Therein lies the whole advantage of bitcoins over other currencies.

I suspect that they will indeed try to ban them.

Nothing against bitcoin and other clones, perhaps I don't fully understand the technology, but I want to understand.

3) You talk about bitcoin, what is the advantage of bitcoin over other counterparts? (etherium, lightcoin, koshercoin, and a bunch more)

2) About a group of comrades you definitely said that, as of now I'm watching a group of comrades ditching a group of koin users. Closed btc-e exchange and took away half of the coins.

1) By your reasoning bitcoin and all such, easily knocked out in one moment (pyramid collapse) is to turn off the power or shut down the internet. Everyone knows how natural disasters can leave people without power, much less the internet.

Are these nuances somehow accounted for in the coins?

Sergey Chalyshev:

I have nothing against bitcoin and other clones, I may not fully understand the technology, but I want to understand it.

3) You talk about bitcoin, what is the advantage of bitcoin over other counterparts? (etherium, lightcoin, koshercoin, and a bunch more)

2) About a group of comrades that's exactly what you said, at the moment I'm watching a group of comrades ditching a group of koin users. Closed btc-e exchange and took away half of the coins.

1) By your reasoning bitcoin and all such, easily knocked out in one moment (pyramid collapse) is to turn off the power or shut down the internet. Everyone knows how natural disasters can leave people without power, much less the internet.

Is there any way these nuances are taken into account in koins?

1. Bitcoin's advantages over other cryptocurrencies are only in its "group of mates" - there are many more participants in the bitcoin network.

2. With ruble, in my memory, it happened three times already. And nothing, the ruble is still in use.

3) If we disconnect the power, not only bitcoins, but also dollars and rubles will disappear. They have been virtual for a long time now, to a large extent. But that is not a problem. If oxygen disappears, everyone will die. If the Sun disappears, everyone will die. Any global cataclysm, everybody dies. И ???

George Merts:

1. Bitcoin's advantages over other cryptocurrencies are only in its "group of mates" - there are many more participants in the bitcoin network.

2. This has already happened three times with the rouble in my memory. And nothing, the ruble is still in use.

3) If electricity is switched off, not only bitcoins, but dollars and roubles will disappear. After all, they have been virtual for a long time now to a large extent. But this is not a problem. If oxygen disappears - all will die. If the Sun disappears, everyone will die. Any global cataclysm, everybody dies. И ???

So, currencies did not exist BEFORE the advent of electricity?

George Merts:

1. Bitcoin's advantages over other cryptocurrencies are only in its "group of mates" - there are many more participants in the bitcoin network.

2. This has already happened three times with the rouble in my memory. And nothing, the ruble is still in use.

3. if the electricity is switched off - not only will bitcoins disappear, but so will dollars and rubles. After all, they have been virtual for a long time now to no small extent. But this is not a problem. If oxygen disappears - all will die. If the Sun disappears, everyone will die. Any global cataclysm, everybody dies. И ???

You do not want to answer questions directly or you do not know?

1. so you confirm that bitcoin is as empty as all other coins? Bitcoin recently split into 2 bitcoins and tomorrow it might split into 2 more, it will be 4 bitcoins. Why are other coins worse? Why doesn't a "group of comrades" switch to other coins.

2. Maybe more, the first time, in my time, when a "group of comrades" divided all the state property among themselves, and the rest were given out promises in the form of vouchers. Doesn't it remind you of the current btc-e situation?

3. don't go overboard. You partly agree that in the absence of electricity or internet, bitcoin is worthless, just like other cryptocurrencies. Will cash remain? And immovable and movable property and other tangible assets? Are you suggesting that bitcoin will only disappear if the sun goes out or oxygen escapes because of a nuclear war? Do you really think so?


It's not really that simple with it at the moment. The first is its storage, the sites are not so few, and where is the guarantee that it will not be scammed. The second is the number itself, if you lose it, and no one is immune to this, you cannot restore it, there is no unified accounting system. If you take the same webmoney, all this is provided for, which is credible, but the scam is also able to place.

Uladzimir Izerski:


Was this a deliberate test or a coincidence?

Just a coincidence, just a coincidence. It just popped into my head, that's the physics of the brain, looking for connections and patterns everywhere.


As reported by Chinese media, BitKan, a cryptocurrency over-the-counter (OTC) trading service, is suspending its operations in the country as of tomorrow.

From 14 September, the platform will suspend OTC bitcoin trading in both its web and mobile versions. However, Bitkan promises that deposit and withdrawal transactions will remain available.

In an official statement, the company stressed that it has taken this forced step due to tighter regulation of the cryptocurrency segment in China, in particular due to the ban on initial coin offerings (ICOs) in the Middle Kingdom and the outlawing of such fundraising practices.

Aleksandr Parshin:

According to Chinese media reports, BitKan, the country's over-the-counter (OTC) cryptocurrency trading service, is suspending its operations as of tomorrow.

The platform is suspending OTC bitcoin trading in both web and mobile versions from 14 September. However, Bitkan promises that deposit and withdrawal transactions will remain available.

In an official statement, the company stressed that it has taken this forced step due to tighter regulation of the cryptocurrency segment in China, in particular due to the ban on initial coin offerings (ICOs) in the Middle Kingdom and the outlawing of such fundraising practices.

The central bank seems to want to buy up the bitcoins cheaply too. They know how to make money)


Recently, both China and the U.S. and a number of other countries, say loud statements about Bitcoin (not in a very good light for him), it speaks only one thing - waiting for the fall and buy bitcoin from the heart))).

Too noticeably they are trying to bring down its rate, apparently they already have some plan and vision for the near future and are going to buy it at an undervalued price.


My personal view is that Bitcoin is a run-in for a segment of the digital economy. And this segment is not intended for monetary settlement between people, but is intended for settlement between states.

I think, that many have heard, that gold price is undervalued, allegedly ten times (believe it or not, everyone decides for himself) and, in my opinion, bitcoin tends to the real price of gold, and when it will be reached that price, then most likely will happen some serious ban on bitcoin.

Roughly speaking, like before: Gold was in free circulation with the people, but then the state banned free circulation of gold.

This is my personal opinion, don't think I am a fool etc.))