Mt4 End of support. - page 9

Реter Konow:

Is my code hard to read? Open your eyes - it doesn't even need comments. It's hard to imagine a more readable code. Everyone just stupidly adopts English, even though they barely speak it (unlike me). This is really ridiculous.

Try to program in your own language for once. Feel the difference in speed of memorization and orientation in large code volumes. You will spit out from your old programming method after that.

Though stereotypes are very powerful things. I don't think you will listen to me.

One more thing came to mind.

If you want, you may write a good article with an example for beginners on this piece of junk how not to program.

Reg Konow, sorry for the criticism

Vitaly Muzichenko:

On the topic of the thread.

If they wanted to bury MT4 so urgently, they wouldn't have brought it to MT5, now almost everything in MT5 has been added to MT4.

But this is not the reason to sit on MT4 till the last day, it might be better to switch to MT5. There is still enough time.

The reason to sit till the last day on MT4 is the possibility to choose one or another company on the market of services. Why narrow it down? But that's no reason to reject MT5, it comes across too. At 170 companies it looks like they would have given another list. The number of companies on MT4 hasn't been published for a long time, about 5 years ago the number 400 was published.

But why switch, I don't understand. What prevents you from working both there and there?

If you present your grandmother with a flagship iPhone or Android instead of her broken pushbutton phone and try to explain all the new features compared to her old phone, than 90% of the time she will say that her old phone was better, because it had buttons and you could feel with your fingers which button you pressed. And I think the maximum achievement for her, except for making calls will be to learn how to send SMS, particularly gifted grandmother may even be able to teach you to Whatsapp. Everything else will look like a "fifth wheel" to her. And it will be easier for her to ask someone on the street how to get to Lizyukov Street than to open Google maps. For the power of habit is immense!
But if you give the same phone to your 5-year-old daughter or son at the same time and show all its basic functions, then 90 per cent of the time there will be no need to explain it a second time. Or maybe you won't even have to explain, they'll figure it out on their own.
It's the same with OOP and MQL5.
Nikolai Semko:
If you present your grandmother with a flagship iPhone or Android instead of her broken pushbutton phone and try to explain all the new features compared to her old phone, than 90% of the time she will say that her old phone was better, because it had buttons and you could feel with your fingers which button you pressed. And I think the maximum achievement for her, except for making calls will be to learn how to send SMS, particularly gifted grandmother may even be able to teach you to Whatsapp. Everything else will look like a "fifth wheel" to her. And it will be easier for her to ask someone on the street how to get to Lizyukov Street than to open Google maps. For the power of habit is immense!
But if you give the same phone to your 5-year-old daughter or son at the same time and show all its basic functions, then 90 per cent of the time there will be no need to explain it a second time. Or maybe you won't even have to explain, they'll figure it out on their own.
It's the same with OOP and MQL5.

Unless 'grandmother' and 'child' are not by age, but by activity of mind. For many who successfully make use of all the possibilities of modern realities, much more than the "advanced youth"


Shit... Another "how good is MT4, how shitty is MT5" debate?

People, there is NO significant difference between MT4 and MT5 after the introduction of hedging ! There are differences in low-level communication protocols, and a couple of differences in functions.

In my opinion, any programmer should have their own template on which indicators, scripts and EAs are made - and all the low-level functions should be stacked in it with "wrappers" that unify access to all operations.


Speaking of the usefulness of OOP principles - those who initially followed the principle of encapsulation - not even OOP itself, but just that principle, using a functional approach with encapsulation - were able to move to MT5 very quickly.

The difficulties of the transition arise just there, where the code is written in huge chunks, through copying, without any reuse, without placing the low-level procedures in separate blocks, mixing the logic of the Expert Advisor itself with protocols of work with a trade server, terminal, file system.

For me personally - there is absolutely no difference, whether it is MT4 or MT5 - one and the same Expert Advisor is compiled for both without the slightest change, and works on both platforms in exactly the same way. And you can run it on a netting MT5 as well - if there is only one order at any given time, it will also work without any changes. If trades are needed - then such an EA would not work on the netting. It will work, but most likely it will not work as intended.

Реter Konow:

1. how much time did you have to redesign your toolkit?

2. I have nothing against OOP personally. I personally don't need it at all, but I don't mind that others use it.

However, it certainly prevents programming novices from writing their trading robots and testing their strategies as soon as possible. If OOP is a barrier for beginners, then it is bad for this business as a whole (for algotrading). It must be abolished, otherwise newcomers will not be enticed. imho.

If a person is a beginner and cannot (doesn't want to) use OOP, you can always find someone to make him do it instead.

Mickey Moose:

If a person is a beginner and cannot (doesn't want to) use OOP, you can always find someone to make him do it instead.

Yes, I think both Peter Konow and San Sanych Fomenko understand perfectly the essence of OOP! What is inheritance, encapsulation - exactly. It is more complicated in polymorphism, but if necessary, they will manage it.

And the purpose of OOP is quite clear to everybody. Systematization of code creation and simplification of code maintenance. For which you have to make some additional gestures which in case of Peter is quite unnecessary, he is a titan of remembering with sharply reduced forgetting.

But it's not clear to me how OOP and MQL5 can be "an obstacle for beginners" compared to MQL4 and procedural style ?!

Tell me, someone !

Mickey Moose:

If a person is new and can't (won't) use OOP, you can always find someone to make them do it for you.

Everything is much simpler. Nobody forbids to write in procedural style in mql4 and mql5 - absolutely the same. As well as with the use of OOP - in both cases.

It's just that Peter has invented the problem and is persecuting it. Most likely because he himself is unable to understand it. Or maybe because he is fond of overcoming difficulties and complexities. Of the two paths that lead to the same result, he chooses the long and thorny one. But then he feels like a cool programmer. I think this is the reason behind his aversion to OOP. I could be wrong of course, but I usually feel people.


On the topic of the thread. If I come across a mention somewhere of a DC I don't seem to know, I find out if it is on my list, and if not, I put it on my list. I have been doing it since 2008. Now new brokerage companies appearing on this list still mainly offer MT4. Those are most of them. To talk about the end of its support is to sin against the truth.

Here tes/(06.09.2017) says Metaquotes report that the number of forex companies offering MT5 (not exclusively, most often offering MT4 at the same time) has reached 170. Tomorrow, the same address promises to summarise the results of the "Which platform do you use?" survey. I wonder what will turn up.

MQ CEO Renat Fatkhullin said recently (can't find the link now) that MT4 support will be done "until the last client".

He once said that there would be no ticks with locs in mt5 as a matter of principle either. Even got people banned for discussing it. So?