A variant of the proof of the first axiom of Dow - page 12

Sergey Chalyshev:

You're a verbal jerk.

Draw yourself some shares too and own them, only you won't get more money, the main thing is to get more intelligence in those shares.

Don't be stupid!

Open google and type in "distribution of shares to shareholders".

How many times have I told you not to educate the retards....


Give me an example of the same fall in the pound in the same amount of time.

Who are these billionaires and pruf their claims?

23 February 2016 https://blog.24option.com/ru/как-brexit-повлияет-на-фунт-стерлингов/

The impact of the UK's exit from the EU on the pound

If the voters vote on June 23rd to leave the UK from the EU, many analysts believe it will have a positive effect on the British currency. However, there are a few uncertainties that could be problematic for sterling if the UK leaves the EU.

On the one hand, there is a perception that the UK will suffer from an outflow of foreign direct investment after leaving the EU. Given that companies invest in the UK for many reasons, there is some truth to the fears, so the implications for the UK economy and the pound could be negative. Reduced foreign investment certainly promises to hurt GDP and could also have a negative impact on employment.

There is also the possibility that stock markets will react dramatically to the UK's exit from the EU, as the market uncertainty and increased risk caused by such a move will force savers to move their assets to safer investments. The pound is known to be sensitive to falling securities, so the rout in stock markets should lead investors to decide to get rid of the British currency.

Moreover, there is also a suggestion that the markets, worried about the above-mentioned negative developments for the pound, will be upset by the actions of short position traders, who are waiting for an opportunity to take advantage of the weakness of the British currency. Of all the majors, the Pound already has the highest number of short positions open due to the uncertainty ahead of the referendum. Some investors are afraid that a real event will cause a real flurry of short positions, and it will bring down the pound - something like what happened in 1992, when George Soros almost brought down the Bank of England.

It was the same Mr Soros who threatened the pound with a collapse.

And now make a ratio of the green information - promising growth for the pound with the red information - promising a fall.

And draw conclusions:)

And this was written a few months before Brexit:)

And that's just one article on the subject :)


) No, distributed means distributed!

The purpose of any commercial enterprise is to make a profit. The profits of a business are DISTRIBUTED to the shareholders. The same way shares can be distributed.

Zuckerberg owns 15% of shares in FB - he received them as a shareholder.

There can be an additional issue of shares, and it is indeed distributed to the shareholders, but the percentage of ownership of these shares does not change.

An additional issue can be made by decision of the shareholders' meeting by increasing the share capital, which in turn can be increased from shareholders' funds, net profits or additional capital.

Aleksandr Praslov:

23 February 2016 https://blog.24option.com/ru/как-brexit-повлияет-на-фунт-стерлингов/

1. There is no example of such a fall in such a time.

2. No pruff on "billionaire claims".

P.S. "many analysts" is for psychiatrists

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

There can be an additional issue of shares, and it is indeed distributed to shareholders, but the percentage of ownership of these shares does not change.

An additional issue can be made by decision of the shareholders' meeting by increasing the share capital, which in turn can be increased from shareholders' funds, net profits or surplus capital.

1. I am not the one who disputes the distribution of shares among the shareholders, it is not up to me.

2. I do not understand the highlighted part.


1. There is no example of such a fall in such a time.

2. No pruff on "billionaire claims".

P.S. "many analysts" is for psychiatrists

Well you are absolutely right!!!

To the psychiatrists - the many analysts who predicted the rise of the pound!!!

And Soros collapsed the Bank of England in 1992 - is an example of a similar fall in the Pound:)

And stated the following on the eve of Brexit:

Soros: Brexit will collapse the Pound more than I did

22.06.2016 07:31VESTIFINANCE

In 1992 a certain speculator decided to play against the Bank of England and bring down the British pound. His name was George Soros. It was that planned operation that brought him fame... and quite a lot of money.

Well, that day is known in history as Black Wednesday.

Now George Soros predicts the pound to fall even harder, if the British on Thursday vote for their country to leave the European Union, a so-called Brexit. In an interview with the Guardian newspaper, Soros says the pound will fall by at least 15% and possibly more than 20% to the £1.15 per dollar mark. According to the investor, Brexit carries huge risks and voters are clearly underestimating them. Leaving the EU will help some people become richer, but it will be a very small group of people: most of the country's population will become poorer.

It is worth noting that Soros' devaluation of the pound in 1992 had a beneficial effect on the economy in the end, for example leading to a significant increase in exports and improving the country's balance of trade. However, things will be different now, argues Soros. A strong devaluation of the pound will not have a positive effect. The Bank of England will not be able to lower rates to support the economy, as they are already near zero. And the tools to support the economy are very limited. So Brexit is likely to cause a recession in the UK, leading to falling housing costs and falling employment.

Soros also noted that there are now much more powerful speculative forces in the market than he was in the early 90s and they will use any miscalculation of the British financial authorities to make money.

Well, there you go, draw your own conclusions:)

Aleksandr Praslov:

Soros: Brexit will collapse the pound more than I did

That is, Soros said that if Brexit was passed in the referendum, it would cause the pound exchange rate to fall.

Brexit happened and the pound exchange rate fell.

Warning, question!!!!! IS THERE A LINK BETWEEN THE POUND FALLING AND BREXIT??????????????????????


That is, Soros said that if Brexit was passed in the referendum, it would cause the pound to fall.

Brexit happened and the pound fell.

Warning, question!!!!! IS THERE A LINK BETWEEN THE POUND FALLING AND BREXIT??????????????????????

Of course there is a link!!!

But that connection is not between Brexit and the specific Price to which the Pound collapsed after Brexit.

There is a link between the -Brexit process and the Pound Collapse process :)

And the Price the pound got after the collapse,

reflected the RELATIONSHIP OF DEMAND AND SUPPLY for the Pound after the collapse as a result of Brexit:)

Remember your curves? That's where they intersected:)


1. I am not the one who disputes the distribution of shares between the shareholders - that is not up to me.

2. I did not understand the highlighted part.

So the entire point is in the allocated, and therefore addressed to you :)

Example: There are 10 shares and each share has a par value of 100000-00 which amounts to 10% of the share capital.

Each shareholder owns 10% of the shares.

As a result of its activities, the company has received an undistributed net profit of 1000000-00.

The shareholder meeting has resolved to use the PE to increase the share capital, and to secure shareholders' rights by issuing additional shares amounting to 1000000-00, with a par value of one share of 100000-00.

Thus, each shareholder received an additional one share, but remains the holder of 10% of the shares.

Aleksandr Praslov:

Of course there is such a link!!!

But that connection is not between Brexit and the specific Price to which the Pound collapsed after Brexit.

There is a link between the -Brexit process and the Pound Collapse process:)

OK, progress already.

"Pound collapse" is the negative value of the difference between the pound exchange rate at the time immediately BEFORE the Brexit and immediately AFTER the Brexit (GBPUSD(t-1) - GBPUSD(t)). That is, there is a connection WITH the GBPUSD(t).

But from the "pound collapse process" (GBPUSD(t-1) - GBPUSD(t)) it is impossible to mathematically obtain the very fact of Brexit.

THEN there is no connection!

So is there a connection or not?