A variant of the proof of the first axiom of Dow - page 11


))))))) The book value - no way! You increase the denominator (the number of shares) and do NOT change the numerator(the book value of the company's assets) - how will the value per share change?

And the money from the sale of the new shares goes straight into your pocket? Out of the balance? ))

Aleksandr Praslov:
On other kinds of information:)

Which ones? I mean, the fall of the pound was unique. Just as unique was Braxit's information. The two phenomena were simultaneous.

Is there a connection?

Sergey Chalyshev:

And the money from the sale of the new shares goes straight into your pocket? Off the balance sheet?

It varies - it can be pocketed. Shares can be distributed to the company's shareholders and they sell them on the market and the money from the sale goes into their pocket.


I remember from high school.

In maths class, the teacher was explaining the basics of analytical geometry. "You can plot a curve on a graph with a function, but you can't get a function from a curve."

It turns out that that's all traders do - look at the curve, look for patterns, guess the parameters and put the unknowns in the formulas. In this pseudoscientific creativity, they deduce not only a function from the curve, but a carload of conclusions as well. They only forget how subjective their views are and how little they may have to do with reality.

I pity the traders. It is morally easier for scientists.


Yes, it varies - it can be pocketed. The shares can be distributed to the shareholders of the company, and they sell them on the market and the money from the sale goes into their pocket.

Are you kidding me, or are you so bad at bookkeeping? What do you mean distributed? Distributed means sold out!

Sergey Chalyshev:

Are you joking, or is your bookkeeping that bad? What do you mean, distributed? Distributed means sold out!

) No, distributed means distributed!

The purpose of any commercial enterprise is to make a profit. The profits of a business are DISTRIBUTED to the shareholders. The same way shares can be distributed.

Zuckerberg owns 15% of the shares in FB - he received them as a shareholder.


Which ones? I mean, the fall of the pound was unique. Just as unique was Braxit's information. The two phenomena were simultaneous.

Is there a connection?

The fall of the pound was not unique.

It was legitimate and predicted long before Brexit.

And some billionaires have openly said they would make every effort to collapse the pound after Brexit.

But no billionaires have claimed they will raise the pound after Brexit:)

And what did you expect after that?

Did you invest in the pound?

With such a ratio of information about its fate?

Aleksandr Praslov:

The fall in the pound was not unique.

Give me an example of the same fall in the pound in the same amount of time.

Who are these billionaires and pruf their claims?


) No, distributed means distributed!

The purpose of any commercial enterprise is to make a profit. The profits of a business are DISTRIBUTED to the shareholders. The same way shares can be distributed.

Zuckerberg owns 15% of FB shares - they went to him as a shareholder.

Word of mouth.

Draw your own shares too and own them, only you won't get more money, as long as you get more intelligence in those shares.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

And it's true that an interesting concept has emerged - the cost of stock. Is it the cost of paper and ink?

You have to distinguish between two sources - the issuer and the buyer.

Accordingly, the issuer issues shares the size of the company's share capital and distributes them to its shareholders. In order to sell the shares through the stock exchange (for listing), it is necessary to own these shares - i.e. they must belong to the joint-stock company - for this purpose, the company buys a portion of the shares from the shareholders and conducts their initial public offering on the stock exchange. This event costs money, and not a small one, including for this reason the shares are sold at once with a mark-up - the initial public offering, the profit from the sale forms additional capital. Thus, the cost at this stage can be considered the cost of shares to be placed on the stock exchange plus related expenses. Note that the organisation loses its shares (assets) on placement and gains cash (other assets). Another thing is that the accounting and write-off of these costs may vary from country to country, and even in the RF there are options that are governed by the Accounting Policy of the company for accounting purposes.

For the buyer, whose professional activity is associated with the purchase / sale of shares the cost - the expenses for obtaining an asset ready for sale, will be the market value of the share and related costs, including commission, while these costs can be allocated by different methods to the cost of one share or, if their contribution to the purchase of the asset can not be determined, written off at the end of the month (under RAS standards), for example - the salary of the administration of the organization, office supplies and other expenses. When a share is sold, the book value of the shares will constitute the cost of sales and form a profit or loss - depending on the selling price. Thus, any purchase of a share itself generates added value without changing the face value - perhaps hence the shares are predisposed to rise.