A variant of the proof of the first axiom of Dow - page 8

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Price already contains information about supply and demand, because it is mainly influenced by them. Why should it be "taken into account" again and make the price dependent on supply and demand?

Price is a derivative of Supply and Demand.

However, Price does not, and cannot, contain any information about Supply and Demand.)

Just as the speed of a car, which is a derivative of the distance and the time in which this distance is travelled, does not contain either the distance or the time in which this distance is travelled:)

Since a speed equal to 10 km per hour can be obtained

1, From a distance of 10 km travelled in 1 hour;

2. from a distance of 100 km travelled in 10 hours;

3. from a distance of 30 km travelled in 3 hours;

4) from a distance of 10 000 000 000 km covered in 1 000 000 000 000 hours:))

And so on to infinity!!!!

Does a speed of 10km per hour really contain all these infinite options???

That is, if you know that my car travelled 10km in one hour you can find its speed it is 10km per hour!!!

But if you know my car's speed is 10 kilometres an hour,

then you will never know from this speed how long the car drove and what distance it travelled:))))

For speed, which is a derivative of distance and time, contains neither of them - it is a value of a different order and dimension!

Similarly, the price which is a derivative of Supply and Demand contains neither :)

One and the same price may be obtained with innumerable variations of Supply and Demand!

But... But... if you know the law, which determines the price for a known Supply and Demand, you can always determine the price knowing the Supply and Demand, no matter what they are.

Dow worked at the U.S. stock market before the advent of Forex. Dow died 70 years before the rise of Forex)))))

And in the Stock Market in Dow's time, Demand and Supply.... were often famous. And the market... worked at a much slower pace.

Therefore, if supply and demand were known, the price didn't need to be counted again:)

It had to be calculated (or roughly estimated whether it would rise or fall, according to a given supply and demand) only once, and then bet again... it didn't have to be counted again:)

In Forex, alas, it's different :) We do not know Supply or Demand.

And we do not try to calculate Supply and Demand from the Price,

Instead, we try to predict the price in the future by analyzing only the change in price in the past.

Price from Price and time... but not Supply and Demand from Price: because it is impossible, because the Price contains neither!

This has never been possible, nor is it possible now...

Dow - knew it!

Yep, everyone here shits and you compose eulogies for Yusuf). If anyone here is shitting on Yusuf, it's you in the first place.

Lies again! In this thread, I only asked when the writer was going to give the long-awaited "proof". Because everything he has written in this thread has nothing to do with "proof".

Well, what's up, you little brat?

Aleksandr Praslov:

Price is a derivative of Supply and Demand.

However, Price does not, and cannot, contain any information about Supply and Demand.)

Just as the speed of a car, which is a derivative of the distance and the time in which this distance is travelled, does not contain either the distance or the time in which this distance is travelled:)

Since a speed equal to 10 km per hour can be obtained

1, From a distance of 10 km travelled in 1 hour;

2. from a distance of 100 km travelled in 10 hours;

3. from a distance of 30 km travelled in 3 hours;

4) from a distance of 10 000 000 000 km covered in 1 000 000 000 000 hours:))

And so on to infinity!!!!

Does a speed of 10km per hour really contain all these infinite options???

That is, if you know that my car travelled 10km in one hour you can find its speed it is 10km per hour!!!

But if you know my car's speed is 10 kilometres an hour,

then you will never know from this speed how long the car drove and what distance it travelled:))))

For speed, which is a derivative of distance and time, contains neither of them - it is a value of a different order and dimension!

Similarly, the price which is a derivative of Supply and Demand contains neither :)

One and the same price may be obtained with innumerable variations of Supply and Demand!

But... But... if you know the law, which determines the price for a known Supply and Demand, you can always determine the price knowing the Supply and Demand, no matter what they are.

Dow worked at the U.S. stock market before the advent of Forex. Dow died 70 years before the rise of Forex)))))

And in the Stock Market in Dow's time, Demand and Supply.... were often famous. And the market... worked at a much slower pace.

Therefore, if supply and demand were known, the price didn't need to be counted again:)

It had to be calculated (or roughly estimated whether it would rise or fall, according to a given supply and demand) only once, and then bet again... it didn't have to be counted again:)

In Forex, alas, it's different :) We do not know Supply or Demand.

And we do not try to calculate Supply and Demand from the Price,

Instead, we try to predict the price in the future by analyzing only the change in price in the past.

Price from Price and time... but not Supply and Demand from Price: because it is impossible, because the Price contains neither!

This has never been possible, nor is it possible now...

Dow-knew that!

Can you formulate your thought in one sentence - what do you want to say and who are you arguing with and about what? No cars.


Can you formulate your point in one sentence - what did you even want to say and who are you arguing with and about what? No cars.


This is an answer to the comment:

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Price already contains information about supply and demand, as it is largely shaped by them. Why should it be "taken into account" again and make the price dependent on supply and demand?

The gist of my answer:

Price, as a derivative of Supply and Demand, cannot contain any information about the values of Supply and Demand from which it is derived,

as the same Price may be derived from innumerable values of Bid and Ask:)

Therefore, knowing only the Price, and even knowing the Law of its formation, we can never know Supply and Demand on which it has been found:)

Aleksandr Praslov:


This is a reply to a comment:

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Price already contains information about supply and demand, as it is mainly shaped by them. Why should it be "taken into account" again and make the price dependent on supply and demand?

The gist of my answer:

Price, as a derivative of Supply and Demand, cannot contain any information about the values of Supply and Demand, from which it is derived,

as the same Price, may be derived from innumerable values of Bid and Ask:)

Therefore, knowing only the Price, and even knowing the Law of its formation, we can never know Supply and Demand on which it has been found:)

Well, that is, Yusuf wrote to you that there is no point in considering Demand and Supply for price analysis, and you answered him that you cannot get the values of Supply and Demand from the value of Price?


So, Yusuf wrote you that it does not make sense to take supply and demand into account for price analysis, and you replied that you cannot get the values of supply and demand from the price?

If the price cannot be used to obtain the values of Supply and Demand from which it is derived, then it cannot be said that the price contains information about the price,

then it cannot be said that the Price contains information about Supply and Demand) from which it has been derived.

Aleksandr Praslov:

And if, from the value of the Price, it is not possible to obtain the values of the Supply and the Demand from which it is derived,

then it cannot be said that the Price contains the information of the Supply and Demand from which it has been derived.

The Price at any given moment of time surely contains the information that at that moment of time at that price the Demand Curve and the Supply Curve have crossed.

That is, the price at each point in time is the equilibrium price of supply and demand.


The price at each point in time undoubtedly contains the information that at that point in time the supply and demand curves have crossed at that price.

That is, the price at each point in time is the equilibrium price of supply and demand.

You are right. Price contains information about some intersection, some curves, some Demand and some Supply at some point, to which it(Price) corresponds :)

The Price does not contain information about a certain Offer or Demand, but it does not contain information about a certain value of Supply.)

The Price contains information only about the RELATIONSHIP between Supply and Demand. And such ratio can be obtained at the most different values of Supply and Demand!

Price contains information about the Proportion of Supply and Demand.

Do you understand the difference?

The correlation and the value of the correlated variables?

Well, the Price does not contain,

the Price cannot and does not contain information about Supply and Demand,

but only contains information about the Supply/Demand ratio. :)

Aleksandr Praslov:

You are right. Price contains information about some intersection of some curves, some Demand and some Supply at some point, to which it (Price) corresponds:).

However, it does not contain information about a particular value of Demand and a particular value of Supply.)

The Price contains information only about the RELATIONSHIP between Supply and Demand. And such ratio can be obtained at the most different values of Supply and Demand!

Price contains information about the Proportion of Supply and Demand.

Do you understand the difference?

The correlation and the value of the correlated variables?

Well, the Price does not contain,

the Price cannot and does not contain information about Supply and Demand,

but only contains information about the Supply/Demand ratio. :)

Who said that you can calculate the value of Supply and Demand from the price?


And who argued that you can and should calculate specific values of supply and demand from the price?

No one, but without such an assertion, it cannot be said that price contains information about supply and demand. One thing must follow from the other:).

But the point is that the price only contains information about the Supply and Demand, and not about Supply and Demand as such:).

And hence, it follows that the interpretation of the Axiom, which was retold TC, or misinterpreted and need to look for the original, and translate it.

Or it is not correctly formulated by the Author, which I doubt...

But in this situation, proving something that is either not correctly understood or not correctly formulated....

simply does not make sense:)