A variant of the proof of the first axiom of Dow - page 5

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
The 2nd and 3rd axioms are not so essential and obvious, like: a mouse won't run away from a cat.

Not a fact - today's mice are very nimble and cunning.


With heroic effort and at the cost of four pages you have shown that the profit of a manufacturing company depends on the price of the goods it produces and sells.

Theoretically, you could go even further and "prove" that a brokerage company's profits depend on the price movements of the assets it trades.

What's next?

Where is the promised "proof of the Dow axiom"?

This proof is addressed to those who understand mathematics.
This proof is addressed to those who understand mathematics.


The man has heroically "proved" that if a company produces a product and sells it, its profit depends on the selling price of the product.


What does this have to do with the "Dow axiom"?



The man has heroically "proved" that if a company produces a product and sells it, its profit depends on the selling price of the product.


What does this have to do with the "Dow axiom"?

Are you a mathematician? Cite the scientific papers. To criticise a docent, you have to be at least a docent yourself).
Are you a mathematician? Cite the scientific papers. To criticise a docent, you have to be at least an docent yourself).

Why is it suddenly necessary to publish your regalia in advance in order to criticise your work on the level of arithmetic?

Well, it doesn't stop you from blabbing your tongue all over the forum. It's clear to everyone that your posts don't carry anything original, but their number is growing....

P.S. Why do you keep making up your own forum rules? Is it pathology or haven't you seen a psychiatrist yet?


Why is it suddenly necessary to publish your regalia in advance in order to criticise your work on the level of arithmetic?

Well, it doesn't stop you from blabbing your tongue all over the forum. It's clear to everyone that your posts don't carry anything original, but their number is growing....

P.S. Why do you keep making up your own forum rules? Is it pathology or haven't you seen a psychiatrist yet?

Well, if you can't even tell algebra from arithmetic, what can we be talking about? That's why you don't understand anything.) Sometimes there are deep thoughts behind simple formulas and not everyone can understand them).
Well, if you don't even know algebra from arithmetic, what can we talk about? That's why you don't understand anything). Sometimes there are deep thoughts behind simple formulas and not everyone can understand them).

No, kiddo, arithmetic.

You still don't get it - simple arithmetic is enough to prove the functional dependence of profit on price.


The man heroically 'proved' that if a company produces and sells a product, its profit depends on the selling price of the product.

The main thing is not to forget that profit is a derivative of the two components - production cost and revenue (income), and I would add taxes.

Unfortunately, the dear TC has not reacted to my remark about the inferiority of his chosen cost classification.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

The main thing is not to forget that profit is a derivative of two components - production cost and revenue (income), and I would add taxes.

Unfortunately, dear TC has not responded to my comment about the inferiority of his chosen cost classification.

The so-called "Dow axiom" is designed for the stock market. What is the "cost of producing a commodity" for a stock market brokerage company?

No, kiddo, arithmetic.

You still don't get it - simple arithmetic is enough to prove the functional dependence of profit on price.

Yes, it was - it was and still is determined by the simple, "arithmetic" formula (1), but, it does not allow you to analyse the patterns of profit change depending on the selling price of the product and changes in the supply/demand ratio. You learn about changes in profits after the fact and cannot fully optimise the trading process. Only with appearance of formula (2) that I mentioned in my article"Market theory" https://www.mql5.com/ru/articles/1825, scientific community was informed that it is possible to optimize trade process by setting optimal selling price that guarantees maximum profit under the existing situation with supply and demand.