Mr Martin and his friends - page 12

You have to avoid: drugs, martingale and liberals.

You can crash in a car, but that's no reason to walk.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

You can crash in a car, but that's no reason to walk.

It's not healthy to live at all, it can be fatal))


Everyone understands martingale in their own way, some see it as an outright evil and that martingale will never bring profit on a long run, some on the contrary stick to the option that martingale is our everything.

In life people walk on stretched ropes between abysses, some swallow swords, etc. - Out of thousands of such people, only a few will succeed and not get seriously injured and these few will have a big fee. So with martingale, it is walking on a tightrope between two skyscrapers, most will fall, only a few will succeed.

I personally cannot even psychologically agree to such an "extreme" in the form of martingale. I used to use martingale when I was young and green I used to put martingale in my TS both in betting and forex, etc. Then when I started treating business more like a business, making long term plans, taking into account possible failures, etc. I immediately lost the option to martingale. But I am sure there are extreme professionals who trade on margin, good luck to them, I would rather climb to the top of the mountain inside the cable car than on the rope itself.


If you move in a losing direction you will get the same profit as you will get a minus on a martin leg at that time. profit + minus = 0...

No way!... And even if you act NOT the way you act at that time on martin ?...

Strange,... that's not how it works for me at all


No way!... And even if you do not act the way you act at that time on martin?...

It's strange... that's not how it works for me...

You can act on a martin in different ways. The difference is that there are different types of martin: averaging, reversal, or both in one bottle.
You can do different things on a martin. Because there are different types of martin: averaging, reversal, or both in one bottle.

Of course...

But, it is now a question of making sure that the trading system on the "compensator" does not mirror the system of Martin's compensated by it


Of course...

But, it is now a question of making sure that the trading system on the "compensator" does not mirror the system of Martin's compensated by it

That goes without saying, with a mirror repetition there will be a lock.
There are different types of martin. Because there are different kinds of martin: averaging, reversal or both in one bottle.

Yep, "fixed lot" martin, "fixed percentage risk" martin, fixed leverage martin...

I wonder if you have an MM that is not called a "martin" ?

George Merts:

Yep, "fixed lot" martin, "fixed percentage risk" martin, fixed leverage martin...

I wonder if you have an MM that is not called a "martin" ?

A strategy here is usually called a martin if it either uses a larger lot to beat off losses, or is overridden by multiple orders with the same lot.

And if I open very small trades to probe the market, many of which I lose, but once a month I open a trade 50 times bigger than all the others - is that MARTIN? It doesn't matter how you work, it's how you make money.