What is a trend? - page 37


At least one theory works: the price is partly deterministic. Look at the D1 chart - you can see the waves

These waves are like the waves of the ocean. Is it possible to build a theory based on these waves?

It is a completely random process.

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

These waves are like the waves of the ocean. Is it possible to build a theory based on these waves?

It's a completely random process.

but look closely.
If it were a random process, there would be no successful traders on forex
Petros Shatakhtsyan:

These waves are like the waves of the ocean. Is it possible to build a theory based on these waves?

It's a completely random process.

you just don't know how many theories have been built about ocean waves, and the patterns that have been identified are more than successfully applied and pay for themselves...

Maxim Kuznetsov:

You just have no idea how many theories have been built about ocean waves, and the patterns identified are more than successfully applied and pay for themselves...

And what, do you often win on these theories?


The study of ocean waves is the job of those directly connected to the ocean. And their expenses pay off for them.

We have waves here too, everyone studies them to the best of their ability and "rides" on them.

Maxim Kuznetsov:

The study of ocean waves is the job of those directly connected to the ocean, and it pays off for them.

We have waves here, too, and everyone studies them to the best of their ability and "rides" on them.

In the forex market, waves are heterogeneous and even dangerous to "ride" on them.

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

In forex, the waves are not uniform and it is dangerous to even "ride" on them.

Better a financial bottom than a seabed

Alexey Kozitsyn:

The trend is different for everyone. There is no single definition and there cannot be one. Someone sees one thing, someone sees another on the same instrument/FT. But in spite of the fact that the trend is different for everyone, everyone classifies it in some way. This classification is not a single criterion, but a group of parameters. Our brain automatically distinguishes these parameters and says - this is a trend. But it is very hard to explain why this is a trend. We need to learn something common for each pattern that fits the definition of a "trend" and write down those parameters the brain pays attention to "unintentionally". Once a certain list is accumulated, go through the history one more time and see which parameters are most frequently present in the "trend" and which ones are less frequent. Those that occur less frequently - put them aside for now. Those that occur more often - algorithm them. And check them. If we are not able to algorithmize, try to break down the parameters into smaller ones and algorithmize them.

In general, the process is not quick, but if we approach it carefully, the result should be there.

Golden words! True!!!

The price is formed by the consensus of traders all over the world, and they are all human beings, even those who use automatism.

all price movementsare SUBJECTIVE, not formalizable.

Victor Ziborov:

I wonder which of the traders who confidently know what a trend is, are capable of trading profitably on that trend?

In forex and stock trading you don't need to be confident, knowledgeable or right at all, no one cares deeply, your balance sheet is your only interlocutor and judge.