OOP vs procedural programming - page 32

Is there no working link to review without updating the terminal?

Are you banned from the internet yet?


Объектно-ориентированное программирование - Основы языка - Справочник MQL4
Объектно-ориентированное программирование - Основы языка - Справочник MQL4
  • docs.mql4.com
Объектно-ориентированное программирование - Основы языка - Справочник MQL4
If that were the case, what prevents the MT5 platform from also supporting the API from MT4 and the same level of optimization?
don't try to reduce the topic to holywar "4 vs 5", they are different platforms with similar (not identical APIs) and the same language. 5 is developed by MQ, 4 is just supported.
Andrey Barinov:

Are you banned from the internet yet?


Ahh... thanks, OOP was buried in the basics of the language. :)

Maxim Kuznetsov:
don't try to reduce the topic to holywar "4 vs 5", they are different platforms with similar (not identical APIs) and the same language. 5 is developed by MQ, 4 is simply supported.
Can you answer the question posed without too much philosophy?
If that were so, what prevents the MT5 platform also support the API of MT4 and the same level of optimization?

the MT5 platform seems to have a higher level of optimization :-) in addition the 5th platform is 64 bit

as a matter of fact this is a question for the platform designers and they have answered it many times...so many times that perhaps they are fed up with it and ready to give out bans for being annoying :-)

Maxim Kuznetsov:

and this is a question for the creators of the platform and they have answered it many times...so many times that they are probably sick of it and ready to hand out bans for being annoying :-)

What would you say if platform developer finds a technical solution to support both languages in one terminal?


I wonder what you would say if the platform authors suddenly found a technical solution to support both languages within the same terminal?

Stop flubbing - the language is the same...
If it were your theory that MQL4=MQL5, then MQL4 could be run on MT5 and vice versa.
You won't believe it. It does. Only the trades are slightly different and the access to bar prices is slightly different.
And the print hello world works the same way

There are all sorts of little differences. It is more likely to be commercial rather than technical, as MQ can always get a competent specialist to solve the technical problem if it exists and they are not able to solve it themselves...

It is also possible that a single terminal for the two languages has already been made and is just waiting for its time to come to the market....