September registration for the Real Accounts (Cents) Championship is now open - page 10

Denis Chugrin:

Of course you have to use equity ! The balance sheet is bullshit !!!

A balance is like a savings book, the money is there but not yours.

Equity is what you have in your pocket.

That is why all calculations should be based on equity, and you should remove balance-related calculations everywhere.

Denis Chugrin:

Told 100 times no one hears it ! Equity divided by maximum drawdown = best result !

It's kind of a drop off, I don't know why, but it's better than the recovery factor in the formula.

Server Muradasilov:

Vital greetings.

Above, Andrew and participants suggested a few options, what do you think?

Where did you suggest, here? If so, there seems to be something missing

Vitaly Muzichenko:

A balance sheet is like a savings book, the money is there, but it's not yours.

Equity is what you have in your pocket.

Therefore, all calculations should be made on the basis of equity, and balance-related calculations should be removed everywhere.

With open trades, there is nothing in your pocket - everything is in the broker's hands.

But that's not what we're talking about here.

Andrey Dik:

With open trades there is nothing in my pocket - everything is in the broker's hands.

But that's not what we're talking about in this case.

I can withdraw everything I have in my pocket right now, but not in my savings book.

Andrei, this is exactly what we are talking about. I may have a million on my balance, but it may be 1 point before the margin call.

How can the balance sheet be counted?

#11 and #13 in the July contest

Vitaly Muzichenko:

I can withdraw everything I have in my pocket right now, but not in my savings book.

Andrei, that's exactly what we're talking about. I may have a million on my balance but 1 point to the margin call.

How can the balance sheet be counted?

#11 and #13 in the July contest

while your positions are open your money is worthless, by the time you close a position a lot can happen.... first close the turkey deal and then count the money.
Andrey Dik:

while your positions are open your money is worthless, by the time you close a position a lot can happen.... first close a trade with an "indian" and then count the money.

Nothing super-natural will happen, and anyone who has closed at least a couple of times can confirm that. I can even videotape 10 entries and 10 exits from the market to prove that nothing happens when you close, and how the funds fall into your pocket.

Do you need it?

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Nothing super-natural will happen, and anyone who has closed at least a couple of times can confirm that. I can even videotape 10 entries and 10 exits from the market to prove that nothing happens when you close, and how the funds fall into your pocket.

Do you need it?

have you ever seen a gap of several thousand pips in the middle of the day?)
until you close the trade - the money isn't yours. and that's if you count without any brokerage tricks....
Andrey Dik:

have you ever seen a gap of several thousand pips in the middle of the day?)
until you close the trade - the money is not yours. and that's if you don't count the brokerage tricks....

At a given moment in time, i.e. here and now, not during the day or in the future, we should see the actual result, and we should see the result now, not later, or when it happened in the past, or will happen in the future.

If you rely on it, or just this second, then equity rules, not balance, what you have now is what you have to calculate, and we don't have to care what happens in a second, we don't live in the future, we live now.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

At a given moment in time, i.e. here and now, not during the day or in the future, we should see the actual result, and we should see the result now, not later, or when it happened in the past, or will happen in the future.

If we rely on this, i.e. on the present second, then equity rules, not balance, what we have now should be calculated, and we should not care what happens in a second, we do not live in the future, but right now.

No open positions, count your money till the shit, it belongs to you. Don't you understand? - As long as there are open positions, the money is not yours.

but then again, that's not what we're talking about.