Are there any competitors? - page 10


Rather the need to get off without losing the work.

To steal what others have built. And nothing more.

The truth is that they beat the courts for this, demanding that the stolen stuff be cut out within 30 days. Now one company is sitting and wondering what to do with a court order - less than 30 days left, and then to pay compensation as well.


So don't shake it. You've started a rant about "non-mainstream" here, so the proof is on you.

I've been very specific about why she's not mainstream to me. Read on.

and since it's not mainstream for me, my experience suggests that it's far from mainstream for many others!!! I've seen no evidence to the contrary. but if you turn on the gray, you can conclude that this is unlikely.

you don't seem to have much experience yet. that's ok, it all comes... and goes
Renat Fatkhullin:

Steal what others have built. And nothing more.

The truth is that they beat the courts for this, demanding that the stolen stuff be cut out within 30 days. Now one company is sitting and wondering what to do with a court order - less than 30 days left.

how do you steal from yourself?

I've described in great detail why she's not mainstream to me.

And since it's not mainstream for me, judging by experience, I can assume that it is far from mainstream for many others!!! I've seen no evidence to the contrary. but if you turn on the gray you can conclude that this is unlikely.

you don't seem to have much experience yet. that's ok, it all comes... and goes

"For me" and "mainstream" are such different things that understanding this can turn a single person's world upside down.

And it is a bad habit to extrapolate from yourself to everyone else.

You have a long way to go before you realise this fact. But don't worry - it all comes with experience.


"For me" and "mainstream" are so different that understanding this can turn one's world upside down.

You have a long way to go before you realise this fact, by all accounts. But don't worry - it all comes with experience.

Did I say that the lack of mainstreamness for me automatically makes mql not mainstream? I just pointed out that I have concluded that it probably is not mainstream for many other people as well, without seeing evidence to the contrary.

to the question of whether there is competition? of course there is!!!

Did I say that the lack of mainstreaming for me automatically makes mql not mainstream? I just pointed out that I have concluded that it probably is not mainstream for many other people as well, without seeing any evidence to the contrary.

Well there's nothing left to do but quote Pelevin:

" - Why does it have to be a prostitute," I said. - Maybe it's a white seamstress. Who just arrived from the country yesterday. And fell in love with the plumber who fixes the showers in the brothel. And the plumber took her to work with him because she has nowhere to live temporarily. And there they had a free moment...

Samartsev raised his finger:

- This unspoken assumption is what holds up the whole fragile mechanism of our young democracy..."

All sorts of pro-traders and sitters build air castles like this, on some ridiculous conclusions, "that for sure something is out there" or "what if". And they lose.


Well, there's nothing left to do but quote Pelevin:

" - Why does it have to be a prostitute," I said. - Maybe it's a white seamstress. Who just arrived from the country yesterday. And fell in love with the plumber who fixes the showers in the brothel. And the plumber took her to work with him because she has nowhere to live temporarily. And there they had a free moment...

Samartsev raised his finger:

- This unspoken assumption is what holds up the whole fragile mechanism of our young democracy..."

All sorts of pro-traders and sitters build air castles like this, on some ridiculous conclusions, "that for sure something is out there" or "what if". And they lose.

all you can do is quote ridiculous quotes instead of statistics.

Why don't you give us more statistics to prove that last sentence? Or that the bourgeoisie are all winners?
By the way my broker even has real quotes on the demo account!!! And looking at the demo chart the other day I visually "bent" everyone in the contest on the demo-mcool platform and their lagging synthetic quotes.

Now the question. What the ... are you giving people left-handed quotes? On which most are running your "non-toys" tests?
By the way my broker even has real quotes on the demo account!!! And I was looking at the demo chart the other day clearly "bent" everyone in the contest on the demo-mcool platform and their lagging synthetic quotes.

Now the question. What the ... are you giving people left-handed quotes? On which most are running your "non-toys" tests?

Prove it ironclad.

Otherwise, you have created such a flood of nonsense and nonsense, that it's time to decide whether to cut it or leave it as a training aid.


All you have to do is give ridiculous quotes instead of statistics.

Why don't you give us more statistics to prove that last sentence? Or that mkulmers are all over the place winners?

I have long sought the cup (I'm not the only one, but I speak for myself), and I did.

Then got the tick history, got it.

Offline charts, services already coming out.

I got the order feed, it's in development.

My point is that MT has everything you need for successful trading. And it's not about MQ how all this is applied.

There are traders who trade by wave crossing and are quite successful.

If you take your judgments as a basis, then you don't need anything at all in a successful platform except mashes (from the point of view of these traders).