the broker's strange condition to prohibit certain strategies - page 9

Oleg Shenker:

I read the first post. I clarified which arbitrage you meant by the exchange. Everything I mentioned works on the stock exchange. Some of them also work on forex. And the yield is not bad. Only brokers are struggling with it. In that very first post it says "the broker decides what counts as price arbitrage"... Brokers are equally struggling with anything that generates revenue.

it's the same on the stock exchange :) Brokers are gods in general, they can make their own definitions and impose their own sanctions, master is the boss.

Oleg Shenker:

I'm sorry, dear man... I just don't understand a word of it.

What glass? There is no glass in the integral... Because "glass" is clearing, show me clearing in Integral!!!

Your bid will go into the system... and will be executed by one of the LPs. So no one is arguing. The question is at what time and at what price? Here you tell me please, what type of execution is supported in ECN on market orders?

Any forx flow is filtered!!! You are just contradicting yourself. If there can be quotes from different players in the market at the same time, then there is basically no market stack.

And if someone can (with his crooked little hands) change these quotes, it means that these quotes are not binding, that is, they are not firm. The very fact that we call it a flow suggests that it is not a firm commitment by the counterparty to make a deal, but something fluid.

Believe me, you can find a reverse spread in the flow of quotes, I personally watch out for that specifically. Only no one will let you make a deal at those prices. Wait for a good slip... Only a market maker can trade with a negative spread... Naturally, because it is he, the market maker, who sets the prices. Another thing is that the MM is not one, there are many of them... And one MM's ask may be lower than another MM's bid. And who will forbid me to trade with negative spread with two MMs...? That's right, my "favourite" broker!!! Who will filter out the quotes. And will take the difference for himself. And they'll write in their ads: "we have the tightest spreads"...

And believe me, it's perfectly legal. No one has ever been punished for it.

How long is the execution time at the exemplary justforex? And where can I find a "review" about a broker's spread width on the news? Or on the stability of execution time after my account showed +100%? Where do they write that? Sorry, the reviews are all about emotion...

Yes, what to say!!! 80% of brokers themselves don't know, the speed of execution on their platforms. I'll never forget the genuine surprise of an employee of an IT major broker when I told him the figure. By the way, it's another confirmation of the fact that plug-ins are worthwhile, only a very narrow circle of "dedicated" people know about them.

1. Many brokers have a tumbler. It's also called level 2.

According to Wikipedia - Clearing-clearing is a clearing between countries, companies, businesses and banks for goods delivered or sold to each other, securities and services rendered by mutual offsetting on the basis of the balance of payments. What does this have to do with the glass?

3. The market exists in the Forex market, but it has its own value at each trading floor. Otherwise they call it Level II. I do not know why they call it that way, it is not that interesting. But if you put your limit order in the spread, then the spread will be reduced. I wrote about the market window in the sense that market orders are executed by it. But that's in normal offices.Justforex doesn't have a statuary.

4. Show me such a broker with negative spreads on real accounts.

5. Execution in justforex is very fast. 300 - 400ms. The spreads on the news do not interest me in principle. I don't know any broker where market orders don't slip on the news. I wrote about the reviews for a completely different reason. read the reviews of MILLTrade, Teletrade, Insta. and many other kitchens. In the process of profitable trading you may increase the execution time to dozens of seconds, cancel only profitable trades, come up with 1000 reasons not to pay out any money, etc. When I see this I understand that it is possible to trade in such offices, but not for a long time. When I see that, I understand that in such agencies it is possible to trade, but not for long.

6. About who was penalized and what for. FXCM was fined several million dollars for using a car dealer. A lot of people were fined at the time.

Английский язык — Википедия
Английский язык — Википедия
Самоназвание: Регулирующая организация: Общее число говорящих: Статус: Классификация Категория: Письменность: Языковые коды ГОСТ 7.75–97: ISO 639-1: ISO 639-2: ISO 639-3: Код IETF: Распространение английского языка[3]: Английский язык возник в раннем Средневековье как язык части германских племён, вторгшихся в Британию. Он стал...
Dmitiry Ananiev:

1. Many brokers have a market glass. It is also called level 2.

2. according to wikipedia - clearing-clearing is non-cash settlement between countries, companies, enterprises and banks for goods delivered or sold to each other, securities and services rendered by mutual offsetting, based on the balance of payments. What does this have to do with the glass?

3. However, the market depth does exist in the Forex market, but it has its own value at each trading floor. Otherwise it is called Level II. I do not know why they call it that way, it is not that interesting. But if you put your limit order in the spread, then the spread will be reduced. I wrote about the market window in the sense that market orders are executed by it. But that's in normal offices.Justforex doesn't have a statuary.

4. Show me such a broker with negative spreads on real accounts.

5. Execution in justforex is very fast. 300 - 400ms. The spreads on the news do not interest me in principle. I don't know any broker where market orders don't slip on the news. I wrote about the reviews for a completely different reason. read the reviews of MILLTrade, Teletrade, Insta. and many other kitchens. In the process of profitable trading you may increase the execution time to dozens of seconds, cancel only profitable trades, come up with 1000 reasons not to pay out any money, etc. When I see this I understand that it is possible to trade in such offices, but not for a long time. When I see that, I understand that in such agencies it is possible to trade, but not for long.

6. About who was penalized and what for. FXCM was fined several million dollars for using a car dealer. A lot of people were fined at the time.

1,2,3 - Lvl 2 is indicative bet, you will not see any of your applications there. Lvl2 because it is aggregated quotes with aggregate market depth, there is also tier1 it is real LP prices, retail is not available.

4. FXCM has negative spreads on real accounts.

5. 300-400 ms is a slow execution, if we are talking about fast execution in forex, it is 5-50 ms, but this happiness will not last long if you will be noticed in abusing such a speed of execution, and then they will include the same proverbial 300-400 ms or even 500-600.

Oleg Shenker:

What glass? There is no glass in the integral... Because "glass" is clearing, show me clearing in the Integral!!!

Are you not confusing clearing with matchmaking?
Are you not confusing clearing with matching?

No, I'm not.

Oleg Shenker:

No, I'm not.

Of course there is market depth there, any matchmaking has it. Clearing has nothing to do with it at all

Dmitiry Ananiev:

1. Many brokers have a market glass. It is also called level 2.

Right... It's also called Book B. Try to make deals exactly at the prices of this book. That's the one where most poor bastards get conned for money.
Dmitiry Ananiev:

2. according to wikipedia - clearing-clearing is non-cash settlement between countries, companies, enterprises and banks for goods delivered or sold to each other, securities and services rendered by mutual offsetting, based on the balance of payments. What does this have to do with the glass?

And you don't want to cite the 3rd grade environmental science textbook here.

Let me explain. When you trade on the exchange, you are trading with a central counterparty - or clearing house - that aggregates all bids from participants. Aggregates, that is, collects and keeps in its book. A participant, having submitted an order to the exchange, cannot decide whether to make a deal or send a reject. The clearing house will automatically make the trade for him. As soon as the corresponding counter-order enters the system, the clearing house registers the transaction. That is, having a clearing house as a single counterparty is a fundamental condition for fair trading. Everything else is bogus.

I am not even going to talk about a lot of tumblers. I can call anything a tumbler. I'm talking about a single centralized mechanism for transactions between the counterparties. Your glass is like a Relativistic Particle, it exists in a probabilistic sense. That is, if you see a price, and you send a bid, the counterparty is not obliged to execute at that price. And if he doesn't perform, he has 100500 excuses as to why it was IMPOSSIBLE.

300-400 ms is an eternity. In that time you can be defronted 100 times. Not only is this not good... it's not even a normal execution time. This is exactly where STP/DMA brokers have you. How much can price change in 300ms? 10 pips is not uncommon.

Normal execution time is in the range of 10ms (or better 3-5ms). If the broker allows such a time of execution, it means that he does not have the Last Look plugin. All the rest is cheating.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:
Of course there is market depth there, all matching has it. Clearing has nothing to do with it at all

Matching is a mechanism for selecting two matching counter bids. However, for trading to be safe and fair, it is clearing that is, someone else has to execute your trade, not you yourself, deciding whether or not to do it. A single counterparty, represented by the exchange clearing house, will make the transaction, whether or not it is toxic to the LP. The principal condition is that the execution of the trades is in the hands of an independent party. You can call it matching, but forex also has matching, any more or less sane broker has such software, but what is the point. The execution of transactions by whom?

Oleg Shenker:

Matching is a mechanism for selecting two matching counter bids. However, for trading to be safe and fair, it is clearing that is, someone else has to execute your trade, not you yourself, deciding whether or not to do it. A single counterparty, represented by the exchange clearing house, will make the transaction, whether or not it is toxic to the LP. The principal condition is that the execution of the trades is in the hands of an independent party. You can call it matching, but forex also has matching, any more or less sane broker has such software, but what is the point. The execution of transactions by whom?

What exactly are we talking about now, if this is not an empty stream of information?

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

what exactly are we talking about now, if this is not an empty flow of information? quantity written does not translate into quality

It was about how STP/DMA brokers scam clients. I simply explained that without a third party, a central counterparty, no integrals, tumblers or DMAs/STPs work. That's basically the end of it.