Registration for the MetaQuotes-Demo Championships in May - page 108

Сергей Криушин:

Finam gives you the opportunity to fight on demo accounts for real prizes, too.

Aha, the conditions and the date of the contest are suspiciously the same. I guess MQL has squeezed out gifts from the sponsor))))
Vitaly Muzichenko:
Everyone knows about it and you should be banned for advertising

What does finam trade on the quote? What is the loss for MQLs from the Finam link?
Vitaly Muzichenko:
Everyone knows about it and you should be banned for advertising
Maybe not everyone knows...or everyone knows and participates...and your games are not advertising their it's the same advertising MK and not advertising, but just information for thought - the choice as they say no one is forbidden...and all for can compete there too...

Aha, the conditions and the date of the contest are suspiciously the same. I guess MQLs have squeezed out gifts from sponsors))))
It's not gifts but coupons from MQL - everything is taken care of, all is paid for... mutual business jokes...))
Cleaned up.


the counting of both the first and second group is completely wrong, the table is not correct
what's wrong? That's correct.
About ten participants are missing from the table, we should add them.
Artem Fedotov:
There are about ten participants missing from the table, we should add them.
A little later.
Artyom Trishkin:
Cleaned it up.

A little off the mark, but thanks for that, Artem.

This is a thread about the MQ contest, and he's promoting a different broker, not related to this topic. He's probably getting paid to advertise...