Registration for the MetaQuotes-Demo Championships in May - page 58

Vitaly Muzichenko:

I have already said that not everyone has the opportunity to do so, and it is not a requirement that everyone can fulfil.

I, too, was an advocate of this, but when I sat without light for 25 hours, I realised first hand that it is not always feasible!

I see.

Okay, then.

Bye, then.

Do what you want, stand on your ears.


The latter quotation will essentially "formally" close the position, equating - "formally" - equity to balance and there is no need to be flippant about it.


In the April competition I wanted to show that even without much trading activity it is possible to stay in the middle of the list. I showed that.

I wanted to use my robot in the May competition, but now I don't see the point. There is no point in competing with those who wait and see. I am not used to living, working and competing "formally" (fictitiously).

Andrey Dik:

I see.


Bye, now.

Do what you like, even if you stand on your ears.

Andrey, you are describing the situation that may happen in real trading, i.e. without having closed the position on Friday with a large equity we have spent the whole weekend with virtual money, but at the market opening on Monday with a gap, we are already in the red and our dreams have been crushed in place.

But understand that we (the competition) are no longer concerned with what happens on Monday, even if the market closes forever, we are interested in the situation at the very close.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Andrey, you are describing a situation that can happen in real trading, i.e. not having closed the position on Friday with great equity, we spend virtual money all weekend, but at the market opening on Monday with a gap, we are already minus, and our dreams are trampled in place.

But understand that we (the competition) are not concerned with what happens on Monday, even if the market closes forever, we are interested in the situation at the close.

I have described the situation with one of the competing euroset branches. Didn't you get it? :)

Like, filled the warehouse with goods, reported to the management, and then fire on fire? And it does not matter that this product may not be sold at all afterwards. It is clear that the calculation on the "stupid leadership" (the jury). But it seems that this trick will work, unfortunately.

Andrey Dik:

In the April competition I wanted to show that even without much trading activity it is possible to stay in the middle of the list. I showed it.

In the May competition I wanted to use my robot, but now I don't see the point in it. There's no point in competing against those who count on the odds.

Andrew, I am over forty, and I am no longer a boy, not to be able to admit defeat, if I was wrong, I will definitely write about it sooner or later. You lack that trait, which is not good.

Maybe the problem is not with the people around you after all, reconsider your outlook, please:

Sorry for the criticism.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Andrei, I am in my forties and I am not a boy not to be able to admit defeat, if I was wrong, I will definitely write about it sooner or later. You lack that trait, which is not good.

Maybe the problem is not with the people around you after all, reconsider your outlook, please:

Sorry for the criticism.

It's a pity no one with a financial background responded. And I simply don't have anything else to say. I have no intention of admitting my alleged error just because most people think otherwise.

Watch some videos on youtube about how people are prone to make mistakes under the influence of the majority. Perhaps you will think a little and start thinking with your head.

I'm sorry if I said anything offensive - I didn't mean it.

Andrey Dik:
It's a shame that no one with a financial background has responded. And I simply don't have any more to defend. I do not intend to admit my alleged error just because most people think otherwise.

Andrei, let's say Euroset or whatever.

They've procured goods half a year in advance. No, of course they didn't. They have been told that their branch is open until the 1st, and as of the first day, they will reconcile the cash register, and whoever has the bigger one will get the bigger bonus.

That's the way it is with us, it's just a deadline.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Andrei, let's say Euroset or whatever.

They've procured goods half a year in advance. No, of course they didn't. They have been told that their branch is open until the 1st, and as of the first of the month they will reconcile the cash register and whoever has the bigger one will get the bigger bonus.

That's how it is with us, it's just a deadline.

Vitaly, that's in the till! In the till, revenue, profit. No one cares that the warehouse is full to the ceiling (equity) on the 1st. During the reporting period, the profit should increase, the cash register should increase.
Andrey Dik:
Vitaly, that's exactly what's in the till! At the cash desk, there are the revenues, the profits. No one cares that the warehouse is filled to the ceiling (equities) on the 1st. During the reporting period, profits should increase, and the cash register should increase.

The cash register doesn't mean anything if the shop continues to operate, because there could be three phone returns on the 2nd, and the cash register needs to be lightened up a bit.

PS. that's how it is with us, we have the allotted time and after that, no matter what happens, we don't care anymore, no guarantees or anything, we don't carry any more