Sparring on MetaQuotes-Demo demo accounts - page 136

Alexey Volchanskiy:
Is there a new tour expected after 28 April? I can't take part now, but I'll be a bit freer by the next one.
Where is our Alexei for May?
Vitaly Muzichenko:

Here we find confirmation that it was originally 10,000

Looking at number 22 on the list:

it looks like he's in the clear!

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Vitaly - no!

as reality has shown,

there are horses shifting their hooves on the start line waiting for the leaders to hit the concrete wall on the turn!

having moved from the start before the end of the race - getting 7-8-9th place - can then kick the dead and fallen

"In the market, he who earned more is right and he who earned less is wrong." (c) Some bourgeois

Yuriy Zaytsev:

He seems to be in the clear!

Well I say, rebates? I just have to go to the demo shop and spend it)
Server Muradasilov:

Yura, please stop.


I'm just being a little bit harsh - it's cool - I hope Dick doesn't get harsh in return - I was just being friendly with him...

Andrey Dik:

what's all the fuss about like cockroaches?)))

Yeah, there's talk of closing all the positions... well...

Of course we should, it would seem that for the first nomination equity is enough... But our rating for the second nomination takes into account the shuffle counted after closing the positions, and the rating is based on minimum and maximum values of all the participants of the championship. Not only is the rating formula primitive, but it is clear, but the most important thing is that without closing all positions all participants have a margin of error, which may determine the winner, as it is today.
Andrey Dik:

"In the market, he who has earned moreis right and he who has earned less is wrong." (c) Some bourgeois.

That's right! - So let's face it, the right one is the strongest! - This is already good - you have made progress, though.

They should have been killed in 17 - not all of them were killed - now they write all kinds of nonsense.

Yuriy Zaytsev:


I'm just being a bit harsh - all is calm - I hope Dick doesn't get huffy in return - I was just being friendly...

You're surnaming? And I'm all Jura and Jura...

Yuriy Zaytsev:

The main thing is not to shit and not to be pissed off...

And your horse, alas, did not bring joy to the fans and sympathisers.

Came out of ambush at the last moment - to shoot the crop - about the same way the U.S. entered World War II.

In this situation I might not even say anything. I could just smile and I'd be right.


Andrey Dik:

Are you surnaming? And I'm all Yura and Yura...

I don't even have to say anything in this situation. I can just smile and be right.


That's good!

Andrey Dik:

Are you surnaming? And I'm all Yura and Yura...

Dick - that sounds really cool! No offense. Yuri's an innocent.