Sparring on MetaQuotes-Demo demo accounts - page 122

Vitaly Muzichenko:
No one is demanding anywhere, it's stipulated right away that the closure is enforced by the organiser, and they don't oblige the participant to sit in front of the computer on Friday.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

For example, Vitaly did not have internet and it was not his fault, and if he had a goal that was not achieved on Friday - then it is not reasonable to cover orders in real trading as well as in the competition.

Whose fault is it? Pushkin's? Jobs? Bill Gates? People look for a thousand reasons not to be responsible for their losses? But they are ready to fight for the equity of their open positions! The open positions at the end of the contest is a deliberate move! - Is it?


What kind of people you are... You tend to blame your failures on anyone but yourselves, but you happily attribute your achievements, however ephemeral, to yourselves.
Andrey Dik:

Whose fault is it? Pushkin? Jobs? Bill Gates? People look for a thousand reasons not to be responsible for their losses? But they are ready to fight for the equity of their open positions! The open positions at the end of the contest is a deliberate move! - Is it?


Why close a position? - if we consider that the equity is brought to balance!

Yuriy Zaytsev:

why close the position ? - if we are going to assume that eQUITY is brought into balance!

I already explained why. why repeat it?

And it is not equity that is adjusted to the balance, it is balance that is equated to equity.

Andrey Dik:
I have already explained why. why repeat it?

Will it make you feel better if I fix the loss and not the organising company?

If YES, how will it affect the end result? I will lose?

Yuriy Zaytsev:
There was a quiet knock on the door of the urologist's office. At the invitation
a neat little guy walks in. Naturally, the doc asks what
the patient is complaining about.
The guy carefully removes his clothes, folds them on the back of the chair and shows them to the patient.
back of the chair and shows the doctor his bosom.
D: - What is bothering you?
P: - You see, doctor, my right testicle is sagging 2 millimeters below
below the left testicle...
D: - So...?
It's a bit sloppy, isn't it?

It's usually the left testicle that's lower, not the right. If this is not the case, then the man may have been kicked in the balls, not gently. It's worth getting a more detailed examination than just a visual inspection.

And you, Yuri, as always, are taking things superficially, without thinking.

Andrey Dik:

It's usually the left testicle that's lower, not the right. If this is not the case, then the man may have been kicked in the balls, not gently. It is worth a more detailed examination than just a visual inspection.

And you Yuri, as always, treat things superficially, without thinking it through.

Andrei, you haven't answered my previous question.

I hope it put an end to the discussion.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Will it make you feel better if I fix the loss and not the organising company?

If YES, how will it affect the end result? Will I lose?

It will not make it easier or harder for me.

If you have closed your last positions yourself, then your trading statistics will be full and correct - all trading decisions have been made by yourself. And if the positions are closed by an organiser, then the latter positions cannot be included in your trading statistics, because the result of the latest trades will not be the merit of yours, it means that the statistics will not be complete, it means that not all trading decisions were made by you.

Final result is the same in both cases, except authorship of closing last positions - for participants or organizers, and in the second case you have to recalculate results of all participants manually (increment, profit factor, Sharp, point).

Although... yes, it would be easier for me. Because it will turn out that I didn't believe in your reasonableness for nothing. I gave up on Yuri's sanity a long time ago. And the others didn't show much activity in the discussion to say they had a firm opinion.

Alexander Laur:

Profit and that's it? Where are the ratios? Apparently they don't have enough financial education either. :)

Of course not everything. The profits are of interest only to ordinary people, workers, shareholders, they are not interested in how many cars in the company's warehouse. But the CFO this information is not enough, he is also interested in the debts (drawdown), which the company allowed the company to during the year, profitability and many other indicators, which are also very interesting to investors. It is not enough for investors to know how much profit was made, they need to know how much initial capital was invested.
Vitaly Muzichenko:

Andrei, you haven't answered my previous question

I hope it puts an end to the discussion.

There's still a discussion going on about what I'm trying to get across here.