Sparring on MetaQuotes-Demo demo accounts - page 121

Server Muradasilov:
In terms of time, what will be the threshold for keeping a transaction in the market? to avoid cheating

an upper threshold or a lower one?
and what kind of cheating?
Andrey Dik:

upper threshold or lower threshold?
and what kind of cheating?

I meant the quotes, although everything was fixed a long time ago - just in case there was a malfunction
Vitaly Muzichenko:
Your monitoring is in the archive.

So we will have to open new accounts later, it turns out now seven people opened to set up monitoring

Sorry, monitoring in theVladimir Gorbachev archive

So no need to rush, at least a week in advance


Status on the second nomination as of Friday 21.04.2017 and Saturday morning , we take Equity over the balance as of the end of Friday. The reason is simple, it is not possible to enforce closing positions.

There is no need to require participants to close positions, it will be some inconvenience.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Status on the second nomination as of Friday 21.04.2017 and Saturday morning , we take Equity over the balance as of the end of Friday. The reason is simple, it is not possible to enforce closing positions.

There is no need to require participants to close positions, it will be some inconvenience.

You don't care about any "inconvenience" other than your own.
Andrey Dik:
You don't care about any "convenience" other than your own.

Andrei, please... There was a live example three days ago when half of the city was without electricity because of a hurricane and torn wires. Before that, the Internet cable was cut to the metal and there was no internet for 3 days. About 8 days ago I was late for a meeting because the road was blocked due to an accident and I had to make a diversion of about half an hour across a broken road. You see, there's force majeure. And force majeure is when you went out in the morning, and met a good friend, but returned home on Saturday morning, she may have the Internet, but do not have the password to the terminal.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Andrei, please... There was a live example three days ago when half of the city was without electricity because of a hurricane and torn wires. Before that, the Internet cable was cut to the metal and there was no internet for 3 days. About 8 days ago I was late for a meeting because the road was blocked due to an accident and I had to make a diversion of about half an hour across a broken road. You see, there's force majeure. And force majeure is when you went out in the morning, and met a good friend, but returned home on Saturday morning, she may have the Internet, but do not have the password to the terminal.

You show me one company that complains about force majeure. At least one. Reporting is profit. No one cares why the company is making a loss (negative profit), it doesn't care about the workers, the shareholders who get paid.

You stubbornly do not want to see that it is not for nothing that all competitions require closed positions in accounts by the time the competition ends.

Andrey Dik:

Show me one company that complains about force majeure. At least one. Reporting is profit. No one cares why the company is making a loss (negative profit), it doesn't care about the workers, the shareholders who get paid.

You stubbornly do not want to see that it is not for nothing that all competitions require closed positions in accounts by the time the competition ends.

No one is demanding it anywhere, they just stipulate that the closing is forced by the organiser and they do not force a participant to sit in front of a computer on Friday.

I cannot wait till the price reaches my profits and I will not close anything until they are reached - I did not open the contest for that. Well, at the last moment I won't be forced to sit in front of the monitor, they will close by themselves. We do not have such a possibility, so the equity calculation is quite acceptable and 100% reliable.

Andrey Dik:

Show me one company that complains about force majeure. At least one. Reporting is profit. No one cares why the company is making a loss (negative profit), it doesn't care about the workers, the shareholders who get paid.

You stubbornly do not want to see that it is not for nothing that all competitions require closed positions in accounts by the time the competition ends.

They are just too lazy to bother with calculations - we have no problem with that - we can do the math!

Andrey Dik:
You don't care about any "convenience" other than your own.

Your assertion is based on an emotional level rather than reason.

For example, Vitaliy did not have internet access, and it is not his fault, and if he had a goal that was not achieved on Friday - it is not reasonable to cover orders in real trading as well as in the competition.