Features of the mql4 language, subtleties and techniques - page 21


Profitability calculation.



ZZZ I do not know how to get rid of the quacky characters (copied from MT4 Experts tab).

Switch the terminal to Russian.
Artyom Trishkin:
Switch the terminal to Russian.

The terminal and everything in it is in Russian. There are crocodiles when copying.


The terminal and everything in it is in Russian. There are crocodiles when copying.

The keyboard layout when copying should be in Russian.

Artyom Trishkin:

The keyboard layout when copying should be in Russian.

Thank you, it worked.

Artyom Trishkin:

The keyboard layout when copying should be in Russian.

Artem, and in what way it can influence at all ? it is BAG
Maxim Kuznetsov:
Artyom, how can this have any effect at all? This is a BAG

It's been like this for as long as I can remember here and at mql4.com.

Artyom Trishkin:

This has been happening as long as I can remember here and at mql4.com.

i.e. it became a FICTION :-)

How the hell can the state of input language switch affect the result of Copy-Paste?

Yurij Kozhevnikov:
That should go in 'Features'. I wouldn't have minded learning about it a few years earlier.
It's already here - in the special features.
Artyom Trishkin:
It's already there - in features.

Then I noticed :D

That's why I deleted it.

Risk calculation.
// Вычисляет риск для заданной максимальной просадки.
double GetRisk( const double NewMaxDD, const double Alpha, const string Symb, const int Magic = -1  )
  double RiskLeft = 0;
  double RiskRight = 10;
  double Risk, SumGain, MaxDD, RF;
    Risk = (RiskLeft + RiskRight) / 2;
    if (!GetSumGain(Risk, SumGain, MaxDD, RF, Symb, Magic)) // https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/170953/page20#comment_13432058
      MaxDD = DBL_MAX;

      RiskRight = Risk;      
    else if (MaxDD > NewMaxDD)
      RiskRight = Risk;
      RiskLeft = Risk;
  while (!IsStopped() && (MathAbs(MaxDD - NewMaxDD) > Alpha));


#property strict
#property  show_inputs

input double inMaxDD = 0.3; // Для какой максимальной просадки вычислить риск?
input int MagicNumber = 1;

#define  D(A) DoubleToString(A, 2)

void OnStart()
  double SumGain, MaxDD, RF;
  const double Risk = GetRisk(inMaxDD, 0.01, _Symbol, MagicNumber);
  if (GetSumGain(Risk, SumGain, MaxDD, RF, _Symbol, MagicNumber))   
    Print((string)MagicNumber + ": при риске " + D(Risk) +
                                " увеличение было бы в " + D(SumGain) + " раза" +
                                " с максимальной относительной просадкой по балансу " + D(MaxDD) + 
                                ", фактор восстановления = " + D(RF));  


1: при риске 0.51 увеличение было бы в 3.82 раза с максимальной относительной просадкой по балансу 0.30, фактор восстановления = 3.20