Multiple recall updates - page 6

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Where do you see spam in his actions? I only see one review by him. There's no mass appeal. The fact that he updates the review every day -- that's not spam, it's a review update.

Why isn't it illegal to update positive reviews, but it's illegal to update negative ones?

Yeah, that's right.

It is better to solve such conflicts amicably. And if that does not work, just ignore it. Fighting is more expensive.

A bad review is also a good thing!

In the US, a customer can return a product within 14 days. And no one asks the reason for the return. They don't like it and that's it. That's enough time to return it. But a percentage of the product amount is withheld.

Here on this resource the amount of the sale is blocked for a week.

I suggest expert buyers be given the opportunity to return the product for that one week period, and get the amount with a deduction of 20%, which is taken away by the marketplace.

Didn't you like it ?

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

In the US, a customer can return a product within 14 days. And no one asks the reason for the return. They don't like it and that's it. That's enough time to return it. But a percentage of the product amount is withheld.

Here on this resource the amount of the sale is blocked for a week.

I suggest expert buyers be given the opportunity to return the product for that one week period, and get the amount with a deduction of 20%, which is taken away by the marketplace.

Didn't like it ?

It's like that everywhere, in Russia too, even 30 days. But when you decide to return, it turns out there is a special list of goods that are subject to this rule.

And the shop looks at you like you're the enemy.


The return of a Marketplace product should be guaranteed -- for one simple reason -- the trial version is only available for testing in the tester.

If the trial version were available on demo and real -- then one could say "no returns are allowed".

But since it is not possible to fully test the product before purchase -- then there must be a refund.

Then it's better to do a full trial for the same week, or take the cost of one month's rent off the price.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

It's like that everywhere, in Russia too, even 30 days. But when you decide to return it turns out that there is a special list of goods to which this rule does not apply.

And the shop looks at you like you're the enemy.


Of course you can return it, the question is in what form, of course they look at you like the enemy.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

The return of a Marketplace product should be guaranteed -- for one simple reason -- the trial version is only available for testing in the tester.

If the trial version were available on demo and real -- then one could say "no returns are allowed".

But since it is not possible to fully test the product before purchase -- then there must be a refund.


And this will also save normal sellers from headaches, and will not allow dishonest sellers to make money

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

The return of a Marketplace product should be guaranteed -- for one simple reason -- the trial version is only available for testing in the tester.

If the trial version were available on demo and real -- then one could say "no returns are allowed".

But since it is not possible to fully test the product before purchase -- then there must be a refund.

It seems to me that there should be no refunds for such products because the product is not material - it is a digital copy.

An analogue of a sausage is not appropriate, of course, but still.

Like with sausage, you bought it and ate it - it's hard to return it.

The buyer should understand what he is buying.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

I don't think there should be any returns on products like this, it's not a tangible product - it's a digital copy.

The analogy of a sausage is not appropriate, of course, but nevertheless.

It's like a sausage, you buy it, you eat it, it's hard to get it back.

The buyer should understand what he is buying.

Matter(fromLatinmāteria"substance") is a basicconceptof physics, a general term that defines a set of all the contents ofspace-time and affects its properties. It is the object of studyin physics, where it is regarded as a mind-independentobjective reality.

A digital copy is material because it is in space-time.
Материя — Википедия
Мате́рия (от лат.   — «вещество»): Материя — фундаментальное физическое понятие. Материя — философская категория для обозначения объективной реальности. Материя — то же, что ткань.