Even a monkey can win at forex :) - page 8

Alexander Antoshkin:

Ooo f*cking hell, I didn't know that people wrote there) thought it was about blogger.com or wordpress.com

From the outside, it looks like this.

Well at least the blogs are visible, my branch about women was deleted by the moderators very briskly, on the morning of January 14.



Now, in order to combat the hatred of women from moderators mql5.com\ru, open a YouTube channel with screenshots

The wretched need to understand that women are the flowers of life and flowers owe the wretched nothing.

This screenshot is lying with me, if they delete the branch again, it will go on the web and in the MQ manual


ZS 2 : Vladimir and Sergey, dear moderators, what's going on? They appear on the forum some anonymous people with a rating of 30...50 and the status of the administrator. What's the matter, they hacked the wretched forum engine?

Alexey Volchanskiy:

At least the blogs are visible, my women's thread was deleted very briskly by the moderators on the morning of 14 January.



Now, in order to combat the hatred of women from moderators mql5.com\ru, open a YouTube channel with screenshots

The wretched need to understand that women are the flowers of life and flowers don't owe the wretched anything.

This screenshot is lying with me, if they delete the branch again, it will go on the web and in the MQ manual


ZS 2 : Vladimir and Sergey, dear moderators, what is going on? They appear on the forum some anonymous people with a rating of 30...50 and the status of the administrator. What is the matter, they have hacked the miserable engine of a forum?

Alexey, it's not the women the moderators hate, it's your fucking behaviour (stories). I warned you, this isn't a Judith McNaught forum, any normal moderator would delete threads like this.

Better brag about your shopping sprees than your love results...)

Alexey Volchanskiy:

At least the blogs are visible, my women's thread was deleted very briskly by the moderators on the morning of 14 January.



Now, in order to combat the hatred of women from moderators mql5.com\ru, open a YouTube channel with screenshots

The wretched need to understand that women are the flowers of life and flowers don't owe the wretched anything.

This screenshot is lying with me, if they delete the branch again, it will go on the web and in the MQ manual


ZS 2 : Vladimir and Sergey, dear moderators, what's going on? They appear on the forum some anonymous people with a rating of 30...50 and the status of the administrator. What's the matter, they hacked the miserable forum engine?

the monkey's eyes are weak in his old age..............................

You're bullshitting to be honest!) although that's to be expected...

First as a" goblin)) looking for his charms, rummaging around on his screen, lose the ref button, create a theme https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/165582

♪ then go down to the monkey level, make a topic ♪

shoutin g

For morons, do not send referral links, it is not even funny, it shows the level of your idiocy

Next, we show intolerance to the female sex, ))))).

now it's time to YouTube.............

Where's the logic, buddy? Where do we go from here?

Let's do something about moderators))))

Alexei, let's make a scheme under which the office will pay for the ban on the site!

Agree with the moderator of the site, he will ban you once a week and you will earn on it ......

How about this scheme?

I have already tried it! True, the moderators here are "communists" who do not collude and do not take money, ........... Problem

Alexander Laur:
A normal man does not talk about his love affairs, but all sorts of clowns just talk about it. What else can they do when they've had a machine for half a sixth? :)
That's what I'm talking about.
But it's not about the normality of someone, it's about the fact that this is not the place for such stories. We don't need any more lumberjack parades, or they'll say, "Why, heteros can brag and we're not human?")
And then there's the lesbos... They let erasts in and now they do not know what to do with them. Soon there will be witnesses of the appearance of quick to the people and other abominations, such as the need to expand the functionality of MT and everything like that....
Andrey Dik:
That's what I'm talking about.
But it's not about the normality of someone, it's about the fact that this is not the place for such stories. We don't need any more lumberjack parades, or they'll say, "Why, heteros can brag and we're not human?")
And then there's the lesbos... They let erasts in and now they do not know what to do with them. Soon there will be witnesses of the appearance of quick to the people and other abominations, such as the need to expand the functionality of MT and everything like that....

What do you know about normal men, you miserable anonymus. No pictures, no names, just internet pussies hiding behind nicknames and gifs... And stewing in envy of people who live brightly.


When the anonymous men led Christ to his execution, he turned to a soldier.

- You know, I realized what the worst sin
- ???

- Nonsense. A murderer kills quickly. And nerds choke for life. Kill me quickly.

The soldier understood and stabbed Christ in the heart with his spear on the cross.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

... And fading with envy of people who live brightly ...

it comes to mind:

Alexey Volchanskiy:

What do you know about normal men, you pathetic anonymous people.

And about real men )) The story is real, I even have the photos of the fight somewhere on my computer.

I trained in amateur boxing around 2006-2009 under Aleksandr Kotlobaj, who used to be the world champion in his category. The guy finished his career very nicely. He said, Lech, it's my last fight, I'm done fighting, if you want, come to the casino.

I invited Olya, the one who was afraid to fly. We took a table and there's a casino, drinks, snacks and everything else. The boxers were sitting next to each other, and everyone was furiously discussing the possible outcome of the fight.

Sasha appeared in the ring, they dressed him up as a knight from Ancient Rome, some lats made of golden cardboard and so on. I can see it in his face, he does not like all this fuss, he is a very soulful man, does not like show-offs.

The girls come running in, "Do you want to bet on the fight? You know, like a sweepstakes. Looking at the options, I say, I want to bet on a knockout in the first half. I remember, I bet 5000 rubles, they gave me a token. In 20 seconds Sasha knocked out his opponent. Got about a hundred grand.

Olya was like, 'How did you know it would be so fast?

- Well, first of all, almost all of Sasha's wins are by knockout. And secondly, did you see his face when they dressed him up as a knight? He was very unhappy )).

I'm calling. Sasha, I've got a bet on you. I want to share it morally.

- Yes, come on over.

I went, gave him 50 000 rubles and congratulated him on the victory. The funniest thing was with my Olga (who was afraid to fly), she said, "Why do you have almost no muscles? I watched all kinds of Rambo's, everybody is so pumped up there.

Sasha laughs, - and why do you need a lot of muscle, it's just for making girls on the beach )) I need to move fast))


I know, many people here are dumb about psychology.

A month later Olya decided to take her first flight.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Inviting Olya, the one who was afraid to fly.

doggy, granny, granny's granddaughter, girl falling over the fence, pokemons -- I remember that.

but I don't remember when they talked about olya.

you should at least make it "actors" like in the plays -- you're missing the point.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

it comes to mind:

Went for a walk this morning, saw a doggie. She said hello )). Couldn't get a picture, forgot my mobile phone.
Andrey F. Zelinsky:

the dog, the granny, the granny's granddaughter, the girl falling over the fence, the pokemons -- I remember that.

but I don't remember when it was about Olla.

you should at least do the "characters" in the plays -- you're missing the point.

And the thread's been trashed. It was about Olla. In a nutshell, a woman up to 35-36 years old was afraid to fly. I mean, she had this panic fear of flying.

Her boss told her, "Either you fly with me to an exhibition in China, or I'm looking for another bulhakter. The boss just needed a competent assistant to conclude contracts.

I then persuaded her, we got drunk a couple of times in Pulkovo and she flew )). Afterwards she said it was great because she was sitting on her ass and was scared. The Chinese arranged excursions there, various temples and local sights...


For the detractors, the woman is happily married now.