Abstract thinking - page 6


I don't know why unsophisticated minds rave about some mythical "rate formation formula".

To predict it, it is enough to know the general statistical characteristics of the process

The formula, unlike any other prediction methods, gives a 100% exact result.

The quest for finding the Grail comes from a desire for absolute power over the world. Inexhaustible riches provide unlimited possibilities. In myths and fairy tales people's unconscious strivings are realised.

In order to prognosticate the course, one must forget about grails and engage in learning, analysis and practice.


You have gone so far as to say that we are talking about rate formation when the variables of supply and demand are closed, i.e. a simple market framework.

yerlan Imangeldinov:

You have gone so far as to say that we are talking about rate formation when the variables of supply and demand are closed, i.e. a simple market framework.

Tell us your abstract vision of the market. How do you formulate the rate formation formula and your relationship to the Grail. After all, you are the topic-starter, and we do not yet know your views).
Реter Konow:
Tell me your abstract vision of the market. How to make a formula for the formation of the rate and your attitude to the grail. After all, you are the topic starter, and we do not yet know your views).

I have no particular opinion, I agree with your interpretation of market movements, but I would like to see some kind of code. The topic of abstract understanding of the market is quite difficult to formulate, but hopefully something will come to mind in the future.

Aggregation of participants, the market, gives a crowd ))
yerlan Imangeldinov:
I think there are a lot of participants who have quite extensive experience in the market, how would you describe the market in the abstract?
There is a physical model. Approximate. A heavy particle in a narrow corridor of two opposing particle flows with memory.
Alexey Burnakov:
There is a physical model. Approximate. A heavy particle in a narrow corridor of two oncoming particle streams with memory.
Yuriy Asaulenko:
Well. It is.

The hard part is the price.
Alexey Burnakov:
Well. It is.
The hard part is the price.
The price is nothing at all. Can drop or rise considerably at almost zero impact. At very low volumes.
Yuriy Asaulenko:
Price is nothing at all. It can fall or rise substantially with almost zero impact. At very low volumes.
И? So what? If price is nothing?