Abstract thinking - page 4

Alekseu Fedotov:

Don't forget that there is also a third party who, the moment you widen the spread from 20 to 30, hoping that the price will go even higher,

this person will sell his product (apples) for 21 rubles (in Wednesday you know who I am) and stand aside.

If we continue to concretise (rather than abstract), we see many different individuals involved in the "stock market sweepstakes".

There is a person in charge - the "boss". Who it is, I do not know exactly. Probably the state. He oversees the trading sites, taking his profits from them.

There are various intermediaries - banks, brokers, dealing centres, clearing companies, exchanges, market makers, etc... who perform various functions in the market infrastructure.

There are representatives of the near-market business (stock exchange gurus)...

All of this is part of a particular representation of the market structure and environment, but it all serves the main process described in a few simple sentences above.

They are the whole point.

Реter Konow:

If we continue to be specific (rather than abstract), we see many different individuals involved in the "stock market sweepstakes".

There is a chief - the 'master'. Who it is, I don't know exactly. Probably the state. He oversees the trading platforms, taking his profits from them.

There are various intermediaries - banks, brokers, dealing centres, clearing companies, exchanges, market makers, etc... who perform various functions in the market infrastructure.

There are representatives of the near-market business...

All of this goes into the picture of a particular representation of the market structure and environment, but it all serves the main process described in a few simple sentences above.

They are the whole point.

There is a "point" in buying and selling apples, there isn't one in a couple of crazy people betting.

And the "master" is who? The state doesn't supervise - there are no national platforms


1. There is a "point" in buying and selling apples, there isn't one in a couple of crazy people betting.

2. who is the "owner"? The state does not control - there are no national platforms.

1. The point is speculation. The market provides an opportunity for speculation. Its entire infrastructure is designed for it.

(Speculation is buying and selling (or vice versa) resulting in profit or loss.)

2. Everyone pays taxes. If market makers make money from traders all the time, they pay taxes on it to the government.

I think the owners of the market makers (like SME) make money from them all the time with a clever automated system that creates that 95% of the losers and gives some of that money to the state.

I believe there are no two queues of traders making deals with each other. There is one queue of traders who think that they make deals with other traders, but in fact they make deals with a machine, which has colossal money opportunities.

It clamp down on traders with huge supply and demand volumes, with the consequence that traders cannot move the price themselves. The machine moves the price on its own, against most traders, so it makes money.

These are my conclusions and my opinion.

Реter Konow:

The same mistake - you are confusing kitchens and the real market.

95% is for kitchens.

And there really is no buying and selling there, there are stakes.

On the real market, there is buying and selling, which shapes price fluctuations. And there are no 'landlords' and no national platforms.


The same mistake - you are confusing kitchens and the real market.

95% is for kitchens.

And there really is no buying and selling there, there are stakes.

On the real market, there is buying and selling, which shapes price fluctuations. And there are no "masters" and no national marketplaces.

"Kitchens" are just not very clean brokers in exchange trading. They have nothing to do with it.

I think the only "real" market is the city market where you buy apples.


A market designed solely for speculation is also a real market, but it's different. The laws there are different.

It doesn't cater to our needs, but provides an opportunity to "play with money" (Betting, betting, reselling for profit - that's what all traders do. In any market).

At the same time, it has a complex infrastructure, which means - it is maintained technically, managed and supervised.

Such a complex mechanism cannot exist on its own, and not generate income for the state. (in one way or another).

Read the literature on the structure of the stock market.

P.S. 95% is everywhere. ((

Реter Konow:

I give up. It's already flowing.
Реter Konow:

P.S. 95% is everywhere. ((

I give up. It's already flowing.
Defeat counts. You're a slow thinker.)
Yuriy Asaulenko:
Defeat counts. You're a slow thinker.)

It really was very difficult!

He started with some stakes, went softly into supply-demand theory, and ended with "The Landlord" ....


It really was very difficult!

He started with some stakes, went softly into supply-demand theory, and ended with "the landlord" ....

Followed the dialogue.)