What happens if there is a new tick and the OnCalculate() function has not finished its calculations?

Will this tick simply be ignored or what happens then?
Marbo: Will this tick simply be ignored or what happens then?

The tick event is queued so that the OnCalculate event handler will be called again afterwards with the current bar updated with the new data.

Fernando Carreiro #:

The tick event is queued so that the OnCalculate event handler will be called again afterwards with the current bar updated with the new data.

So the OnCalculate always "waits" until the calculations are finished. Good to know. Thank you!

I beleive if your case happened then pc (or server) will hang. 
But, generally we have not yet seen operations which not performed fast by computer these days unless you have a very old pc
Mohammed Abdulwadud Soubra #: I beleive

You believe wrong. Fernando is correct. And that is why you can miss ticks and can't use volume to detect a new bar.

Mohammed Abdulwadud Soubra #:
I beleive if your case happened then pc (or server) will hang. 
But, generally we have not yet seen operations which not performed fast by computer these days unless you have a very old pc
Hey Soubra 😘 
It's true in most case nowadays hardware is powerful enough to return the ontick before the new one.
But ... EAs are now sophisticated, often with multi currencies ... So there's exception.
Add to this that sometimes ticks arrives by packets of many hundred like during news ... And it gives good arguments to the pros ontick-nonblocking