Questions from Beginners MQL4 MT4 MetaTrader 4 - page 229

Aleksei Stepanenko:
Thank you, is there any other solution? The advisor then opens and immediately closes the trade.
Nargiz Ravanova:
Thank you, is there another solution? After that the EA opens and immediately closes the position.

you need to fix the time on condition


and do not refresh it until the position is closed

then subtract from the current time the time you have memorised
, when the given seconds have passed, close the positions.

input int Second=10;
ulong LastTime=0;

void OnTick()
   if(op>=Profit) LastTime=GetMicrosecondCount();
   if(LastTime>0 && GetMicrosecondCount()-LastTime>(ulong)Second*1000000) {CloseAll(); LastTime=0;}
input int Second = 10;
datetime LastTime = 0;

void OnTick()
   if(op >= Profit && LastTime == 0)
      LastTime = TimeCurrent();
   if(LastTime > 0 && TimeCurrent() - LastTime >= Second)
      LastTime = 0;

I did so

double op = CalculateProfit();
int time_waiting=0;

if (op >= Profit)
time_waiting = TimeLocal() + 10;
if (TimeLocal() < time_waiting)


but it gives me an error

possible loss of data due to type conversion


is not an error, but a warning: data may be lost when converting from one type to another:

datetime time_waiting;
Nargiz Ravanova:

That is, I don't want the EA to close as soon as I see 2 quid, but a bit more.

And what, always after 10 seconds the profit is bigger?)


//| StringLowerCase |
string StringLowerCase(string str)
   string s = str;
   int lenght = StringLen(str) - 1, symbol;
   while(lenght >= 0)
      symbol = StringGetChar(s, lenght);
      if((symbol > 64 && symbol < 91) || (symbol > 191 && symbol < 224))
         s = StringSetChar(s, lenght, symbol + 32);// тут possible loss of data due to type conversion
         if(symbol > -65 && symbol < -32)
            s = StringSetChar(s, lenght, symbol + 288);// тут possible loss of data due to type conversion
//| StringUpperCase |
string StringUpperCase(string str)
   string s = str;
   int lenght = StringLen(str) - 1, symbol;
   while(lenght >= 0)
      symbol = StringGetChar(s, lenght);
      if((symbol > 96 && symbol < 123) || (symbol > 223 && symbol < 256))
         s = StringSetChar(s, lenght, symbol - 32);// тут possible loss of data due to type conversion
         if(symbol > -33 && symbol < 0)
            s = StringSetChar(s, lenght, symbol + 224);// тут possible loss of data due to type conversion

If you don't mind, please help me fix it...
s = StringSetChar(s, lenght, ushort(symbol + 32));
string  StringSetChar(
   string&   string_var,       // строка
   int       pos,              // позиция
   ushort    value             // код символа

Accepting full responsibility for the fact that


The unsigned shorttype is the ushort type, which also has a size of 2 bytes. The minimum value is 0, the maximum value is 65,535.


The integer int type has a size of 4 bytes (32 bits). The minimum value is -2 147 483 648, the maximum value is 2 147 483 647.

Iurii Tokman:

I did as you said, but for some reason after closing the Expert Advisor closes a couple of trades, despite the fact that I have a one hour slip after the CloseAll() function.

input int Second = 10;
datetime LastTime = 0;

void OnTick()

double op = CalculateProfit();

if (op >= Profit && LastTime == 0)
LastTime = TimeCurrent ();
if(LastTime > 0 && TimeCurrent () - LastTime >= Second)

LastTime = 0;

SendNotification("Trade is over");
Sleep(60*60000);// 60.000 = 1 min
