MT4 on windows 10 - page 10


Hello. Can you advise me, experts? Does MT4 work on a smartphone under Windovs 10?

The smartphone has an incomplete operating system, or rather a different operating system than for desktops. So the answer is no. The desktop version of MetaTrader 4/5 does not work on a smartphone with Winsows Phone.

Hello MT experts

This is a very topical question for me but not about 10 but about MT

MT is on a weak laptop with mobile internet

Some indicators are too slow and I cant use them at all

I do not need them all the time, only from time to time

I have some good hardware at work but it's not connected to the network.

I have copied the MT there and the charts open - of course there is no recent history

I transfer the history from my laptop - NO COMMUNICATION - black screen

Do you have any algorithm for solving this problem with the algorithm voiced?


Put the 10 on. In full screen mode there is a thick frame on the right. How do I fix it?