Is it possible to implement a singleton pattern in MQL4. - page 3


and a constant can be re-defiled...

but just variables what?

why do you need a structure if you just want variables ?

Тогда переменные не будут статичными, и нет гарантии, что они не будут сохранять свои значения в процессе работы программы.

You're making something up again and proving it to the whole world, even though it's not like that in reality.

So do you want static or const, or do you want static const?


hoz is ayoung, or maybe not so young, inventor of bicycles, inventing not for the reason of finding solutions to the problems encountered,

but just out of personal interest - to torture himself and others with the basics of OOP and related topics.


and the constant can be re-defiled...

What do you mean?


well just variables what do you mean ?

Why do you need structure when you just need variables?

If you want to include just variables into every class or even into an Expert Advisor, you will get compiler crashes. They say such a variable already exists. I already went through this.


So, do you need static or const or static const?

const is a modifier so that a variable or method cannot be changed, and I need to change it. What does const have to do with it?
Good for you, you're effigent - live in a world of your own terms, concepts and illusions from now on.
Good for you, you're effigent - live in a world of your own terms, concepts and illusions from now on.
Justify? What's the big deal. I'm asking a question actually...
Victor, you're not hitting the question. It's just muddled thoughts from you. You somehow think that everyone should get into your problem before you talk about it.
Vadim, for that matter, show me where I said that?

Wouldn't it be easier to use predefined variables and standard structures?