MetaTrader 4 Build 529 beta released with new compiler - page 158


You didn't understand anything about the scale, and unfortunately I don't have time for screenshots and detailed descriptions, as I will write here at least so no one will argue. Also... Do you really think that here sit children who do not know that the scale can be changed and scaled with the mouse :) . You've got to be kidding me...

It's when you scale the scale that all the impracticality and impropriety of the grid becomes apparent. Try it, and pay attention to the intervals and how they change, all doubts will fall away.

Don't forget that in this process (rendering the grid) the curved history plays a not insignificant role. And scaling something crooked is a non-trivial task. :)
It's hard to explain when they don't read you anyway. On page 158 it says what scale you need with whole decimal places
Don't forget that curved history plays a part in this process (rendering the grid). And scaling something crooked is a non-trivial task. :)
People try to answer more quickly before grasping the question they are answering. Dear forum users with programming experience, you need a user-configurable grid with a smooth step, so that the step of this grid does not change over time and the scale remains with the same values, round numbers, such as 1.3200, 1.3210, 1.3220, etc. These numbers in the scale must not change and remain scrolling. The current grid is just ripples for the eyes that bear no information.
Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer people who understand Russian, even among Russians. Telepathy is not always necessary... Sometimes having ordinary common sense is enough.
The question of how to apply a pair of lines programmatically does not interest, as does not relate to the solution of the problem
People are trying to answer faster before they get into the question they are answering. Dear forum users with programming experience, you need a user-configurable grid with a smooth step so that the step of this grid does not change over time and the scale remains with the same values, round numbers, such as 1.3200, 1.3210, 1.3220, etc. These numbers in the scale should not change and remain scrolling. The current grid is just ripples for the eyes that bear no information.
The word scale itself implies a ruler against which you can check and quickly determine the amplitude and range of a currency's price movement. I think we can all agree on that. Otherwise it will not be a scale, but a set of numbers at the right border of a chart. Changing values of the scale and intervals between these values as prices move is like changing rules during a game.

At present, the basis for measuring values on the MT4 scale is not a chart and not the value of a currency, but the size of a window. And this is fundamentally wrong and this is where the problem lies. No other trading platform has this. Below are two screenshots of the same chart with different scale.

The number of divisions of the scale is the same in both charts while the interval between the divisions varies. Of course, it is inevitable when the scale is changed significantly - we cannot draw a 5 or even 10 point interval grid on a 300 pips chart as it would be too many lines.

But when the chart scale changes insignificantly, the grid constantly moves apart, intervals are increasing or decreasing, which makes the grid unsuitable for reference use. The second screenshot has captured two more bars and the interval is no longer 10.5 as displayed in the picture, but 11.5 ! I think it is very clear. The change of scale on these charts was due to a sharp movement, but of course the same thing happens to the scale when scaling manually as well. It (scale/grid) becomes impossible to judge price movement, which in my opinion is its main purpose. It becomes especially problematic with fast and strong price changes. The grid is simply misleading.

Therefore, it would be nice if:

1) the scale had a certain (fixed) interval and when you change the scale the interval would change in steps;

2) scale values should be rounded up to 4 digits for 5-digit prices and 2 digits for 3-digit prices.

3) the scale values were a multiple of 5 for small timeframes and small scale, and a multiple of 10,20,30... when zoomed in and for higher timeframes;

Looking more closely, all 3 points are basically the same thing - a scale with intervals depending on the value of the currency.

Especially for those who find it easier to see once, here are two links to third-party resources. They are web resources not competing with MT4, I think there should not be a problem. Play with the scale and see how the scale changes.

And believe me this scale calculation is standard for all trading platforms. I'm not naming them, you already know them.

Also, let me tell you right away, I don't have any other purpose other than trying to help improve MT4. I'm not trying to criticize a platform just for the sake of criticism, and I'm not promoting any other platform. If I liked another platform, I would have chosen it, so I don't need that kind of advice either :). I use MT4 because it suits me, and I'm trying to improve it because I'm using it. I think that's logical :)

Don't forget that curved history plays a part in this process (rendering the grid). And scaling something crooked is a non-trivial task. :)

Igor, to be honest, I don't see how a crooked history affects the problem I described. Or maybe we misunderstood each other from the beginning?

And this is how a horizontal grid should be. And without any homemade indicators, scripts and piles of objects created by them, but in normal mode.

Divisions of the scale become larger as the price range increases. The interval remains the same (both with a small range on the left and with a sharp price movement), or increases up to 20 (30, 40, ... ) if the range exceeds the threshold (say, 200 pips). The readings of the scale are rounded.

Compare two pairs of charts. One look at the second pair is enough to see and understand how the currency moved, and you don't even have to look at the scale, the grid tells it all (50 down, 30 up, and about 150 down). As they say NO COMMENT!

Sorry, but I can't describe it in a more accessible, illustrative and detailed way :).

@ pro_ Well done, well explained. I've already started making screenshots too. I hope everybody agrees and the developers will be able to implement that in mt4 and in mt5. Other systems, maybe even in all of them, have a normally readable scale without any complaints. In our MT4 it should also be an indispensable thing.
It's hard to explain when they can't read you anyway. On page 158 there is a scale with whole tens after the decimal point.
I agree (about the hassle), if "nothing but your nose"... And I mean the occasional lack of bars... :(

Igor, I honestly don't see how a crooked history affects the problem I described. Or maybe we misunderstood each other initially?
Drawing a grid is not just a task of comfort for the eye. It is, for example, the possibility of applying "graphical analysis" (i.e. graphical constructions to analyse price "behaviour"). We have time/price on the axes. So, in case of periodical absence of bars (history curve) we obtain a deformation along the time axis and whatever principle of grid creation is used - the adequacy of this analysis is very questionable. But for comfort of the eye - YES (I support it)!