For those who like to measure... achievements))) - page 30


Ehhh, start selling signals or something....


Ehhh, start selling signals or something....

Weigh me a couple of kilos.

Weigh me a couple of kilos


I have not been able to get a good position in the market, but I have not been able to get a good position in the market....

I closed 4 more positions on Friday after the first screenshot above, they were 155 at market close, today they are only 149, and the profit and loss have been adjusted...


I have not been able to get a good result, but I have not been able to get a good result....

I closed 4 more positions on Friday after the first screenshot above, they were 155 at market close, today they are only 149, and the profit and loss have been adjusted...

Beautiful. What period?
Perhaps, due to the extended weekend asc-bid on the current open positions, the funds have become smaller.

Yes, yes, no matter that the report shows already CLOSED positions, and no matter that these very closed positions became less over the weekend, i.e. a blatant sweep of the account history, of course the spread is to blame
Nice. What period?

Corrected: The account was opened in the twentieth of August, ALL deals August - September - and up to October 16 wiped from the history. In fact, according to account history at the moment, I started trading on this account on October 16. That is, the history was corrected not once, but at least twice...

I dug out the report saved on October 7. From 7 to 16 I haven't saved any reports, the trading was performed, but the history was deleted, so I have nothing to report.


It's a good thing that it's a demo ground for all sorts of tests, but I'd be wary of starting a real one... But I would be wary of starting a real one after such tricks...

Fuck knows. Maybe it's the demo they're using. But on the real world, it's okay. All kitchens have their own piece of shit. History is re-displayed in any period from the day the account is opened. Eh.

Underneath the most colourful peacock's tail is the most common chicken's arse. Less of the pompousness, gentlemen.

This is just for those who like to measure... achievement. ;)


Underneath the most colourful peacock's tail is the most common chicken's arse. Less of the pompousness, gentlemen.

This is just for those who like to measure... achievement. ;)

Bingo, that's right.

But you rarely get a peek under the tail, the tail is a distraction.