For those who like to measure... achievements))) - page 19


240% in one week

"in one week" is not an indicator
When you do, you can brag about it. And you can shove your charts under your pillow..... Get it? !!!!!

Once again, the snot-nosed don't ask when to post charts and who to post them to :) You got a pussy, take it out. If you don't, keep quiet and be jealous.
"in a week" is not an indicator

It's a super indicator.
"for the week" is not an indicator

The indicator in general is the funds, not the balance. With such a balance and open positions being in the arse, what is the achievement?

People are right to say it's only a matter of time.


The indicator in general is the funds, not the balance. With such a balance and open positions being in the arse, what is the achievement?

People are right to say that it is only a matter of time

These are closed positions! Even if the demo is adnako a weekly percentage is strong

Shit, I don't care if you put all the nicknames on The. I read the replies and at first it looks like my post is being answered.

And the state in a week is bearded. Show me the same progress in six months, at least on the demo.


These are closed positions! Even if it's a demo, a one-week percentage is a lot.
What do closed positions have to do with it? Can't you use your brain? If there's +240 in closed positions and 230 in open ones, what's the total?

Shit, I don't care if you put all the nicknames on The. I read the replies and at first it looks like my post is being answered.

And the state in a week is bearded. Show me the same progress in six months, at least on the demo.

he will show for half a year he only started a fortnight ago ha
As for me, I'm five years ahead of schedule.
what did borya sing? where are those young kids... ? they'll wipe it out and eat it up.... thank god it's not us and not now... :-)))