Grail indicators - page 3

All experts are based on an analysis of past price behaviour. That's it. And who takes what into account is up to them.

Wrong. I make my own experts who do not analyse the past. They work on the current state of affairs. And that, by the way, is just...
Wrong. I make my own experts who do not analyse the past. They work from the current state of affairs. And that, by the way, is just...

What is the current state of affairs? Historical data is not analysed at all? Statistics are not collected?
Wrong. I make my own experts that do not analyse the past. They work according to the current state of affairs. And this, by the way, is simple...

)They work according to the current situation, but how did you build/select your experts? Did you not use historical data at all?

It is like constructing a regression equation using historical data, and then substituting current data into the resulting equation and proudly claiming that the equation "does not analyse the past"


all scientific methods are based on studying the history of an object's behaviour in the past - no other methods have yet been invented by humanity.

Wrong. I make my own experts who don't analyse the past. They work on the current state of affairs. And that, by the way, is just...

Artyom, isn't what you see on the graph, or what you've just learned, already the past?

The boundary between the past and the future is clearly defined.

Oh, you're on. I give up... Let my opinion go with me to my grave. (SIGHS) OKAY.
Oh, you're on. I give up... Let my opinion go with me to my grave. (SIGHS) OKAY.
No, no, don't give up. Otherwise, you'll be a grave on the forum.
Oh, you're on. I give up... Let my opinion go with me to my grave. (SIGHS) OKAY.
Normal questions, I guess, no hard feelings. Interesting. ))

Artyom, isn't what you see on the graph, or what you've just learned, already the past?

The boundary between the past and the future is clearly defined.

Again... the man said that all councillors only work by history. He didn't say that EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING in this world is built on that. I replied, dissentingly, that my councillors don't need that understanding of history that is being discussed everywhere. I guess I was wrong, since indeed EVERYTHING in this world is built on nothing but memories...
No, no, don't give up! Otherwise, you'll be a grave on the forum.

I'm already being pecked at on the fifth... Tired of fighting, want to sleep.