Econometrics: State-space model forecasting - page 17

Is off-topic and flooding not moderated on this site?
Isofftop and flooding not moderated on this site?

There is sometimes more useful information in the flood on this site than in abstruse statements...

If you had made and posted on R a simple model of state space... people would have twirled it and discussed...


there is sometimes more useful information in the flooding on this site than in the abstruse statements...


There is sometimes more useful information in the flood on this site than in abstruse statements...

If you had made and posted on R a simple model of state space... people would have been able to discuss it...


There is sometimes more useful information in the flood on this site than in abstruse statements...

If you had made and posted on R a simple model of state space... people would have been able to discuss it...

I had a problem that I named when I opened the thread and it was solved by faa. A couple of other people who understand something but keep quiet. These people are of interest to me. And the rest of you ..... learn ......

Once again... This picture here shows to the naked eye that the model doesn't work.

Faa has shown himself to be a nub, a troll and a loser on this forum. Keep listening to him.


.....The arrival of each bar not only recalculates the parameters of the model, but also makes a selection of a particular one out of the 18 used. If you draw charts on history using the newly obtained model, they are very likely to be different. Is it re-drawing? The graph I posted is not redrawn. The t+1 value remains the old value, a t-point is drawn which is not redrawn when a new bar arrives, although it has a different value in the new model.

Yusuf? Are you? You should drop that formula 18 already.
Adieu, gentlemen, you have a very close-knit group here!
Adieu, gentlemen, you have a very close-knit team here!

do the opposite - get it right, test it and put it out there for everyone to see
Adieu, gentlemen, you have a very close-knit collective here!

Hee )))

faa1947 21.07.2013 20:58 #

And from here. The apotheosis of all the "sane" bears and other smokers on the forum, along with the moderators covering them.

Hail to the methaquot technical site along with the other cesspools of the internet.


faa1947 23.04.2013 17:05 #

No need to wait.

I'm not interested in Navalny along with all the opposition.


etc. ))