Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Nowhere without you - 6. - page 1110


Antivirus turn off and then reset from memory.

I've already done all that.

I've uninstalled the antivirus, uninstalled the firewall, cleaned the memory.

It's no use at all.

In the old days, there was no such crap as downloading an installer file to the PC only, and then that file would run and it would install the terminal from somewhere on the Internet.

The PC would download the WHOLE distribution of the program and install it from a folder on the same PC.

All this is because of the advent of so-called "blblack technology".

And the users of these technologies don't know and don't care that there are still places on Earth where these technologies can't be used.

They cannot be used. Or it costs money to use them.

To me, my internet costs between $200 and $600 a month.

Most of those who read the thread, on the other hand, only cost $10-15 for the same amount of time.

That's why I need the entire distribution to install the terminal, not just the *.exe file.

Otherwise I can't install the terminal.

Similarly, I update the program Adobe Flash Player, ie download the entire distribution kit on a PC, the good news that it is possible, and then make the update, which is to install the new version over the old one.

And why here so can not?

And it turns out such a shit.


So I need the entire distribution to install the terminal, not just the *.exe file

Otherwise I can't install the terminal.

You may be surprised, but when you run terminal.exe with /portable switch, it will download everything else, as well as create missing configuration files and folders, all in the same directory where the file was initially copied. And MetaEditor.exe is also needed, of course.

Here is a resource where one kind man regularly displays his new developments, as well as new MT4 distributions, build 1012 is there. It is clear that without quotes history, you will have to download it separately from your particular brokerage company.

I update Adobe Flash Playerin the same way , i.e. I download the full distribution on my PC, which is possible, and then I make an update, which is to install the new version on top of the old one.

Why can't you do that here?

Because cloud technology and developers are going the way of the 99% of users who have internet for $10 a month.

How do you even think to work online, with your traffic prices? You can't do forex offline.


Here's a resource, there's a kind man there who regularly displays his new developments, as well as new MT4 distributions, build 1012 is there. П

I tried to use the suggested resource - it requires a password

You may be surprised, but by running terminal.exe with the /portable switch, it will download everything else and create the missing configuration files and folders, all in the same directory where the file was originally copied. And MetaEditor.exe is also needed, of course.

Here is a resource where one kind man regularly displays his new developments, as well as new MT4 distributions, build 1012 is there. It is clear that without quotes history, you will have to download it separately from your particular brokerage company.

Because cloud technology and developers are going the way of the 99% of users that have internet for $10 a month.

How do you even think to work online, with your traffic prices? You can't do forex offline.


Just like I do. There's not gonna be any more traffic.

I will place the terminal on a remote server so that I am not constantly online.

You'd be surprised, but running terminal.exe with the /portable switch

What's that supposed to look like? Like this? terminal.exe/portable

Tried to use the suggested resource

Maybe you should register first at


Shish there at the link

The site is under construction.


Shish there at the link

The site is under construction.

Can't you see the difference between http and ftp? There is no need to go to FTP as on the site.

Here's a direct link to download, and there's a login-password are embedded, my computer does not ask them probably somewhere remembered.


You'll be surprised, but running terminal.exe with the /portable switch

What's that supposed to look like? Like this? terminal.exe/portable

The usual way is to create a shortcut to the executable and type the/portable switch in the shortcut properties.

Right here:

It is always better to use terminal in this mode, to avoid scattering files on different folders.

And warn the server masters not to block port 443.


Are you blind to the difference between http and ftp? You don't need to log in to FTP as a website.

Here's a direct link to the download, there and the username-password are sewn, from my computer I think they are not asked apparently somewhere remembered.

As usual looks, create a shortcut to the exeşnik and vpisyvayte key in the properties of the shortcut/portable.

Right here:

It's always better to use terminal in this mode, so it doesn't scatter files in different folders.

And you should warn server masters not to block port 443.

Thank you.

Now the link is correct and it doesn't ask for password.

I know the difference between http and ftr.

But I assumed that I should register on the site first and then follow the link with login and password.

Thanks again for the link.

Downloaded it. I downloaded it and got it working. It works.

IMHO, IMHO, my personal opinion, it would be better to use while(!RefreshRates()); semicolon at the end instead of Sleep (100)

Yes, these imho have piled up... The reference to RefreshRates() says that it "updates data in predefined variables and time-series arrays". Renat Fatkhullin once wrote that Sleep(50) is enough, so I just added an Efra gap.

I did it without waiting for history modification and also taking into account that the pending order has already been deleted. And, of course, as the author requested, to delete all pending orders in one function call.

#include <stdlib.mqh> // Для ErrorDescription()
/* Поскольку "Функция при вызове должна удалить все отложенные ордера.", в закладке "История счета" должен 
быть выбран вариант "Вся история"*/
void DeletedOrders() {
int ToDel [2000]; // Массив тикетов всех ордеров, подлежащих удалению. Обычно ДЦ запрещают более нескольких сот отложенников
int NToDel; // Номер последнего занятого элемента в массиве ToDel
int i, t;
// Сначала за один проход по всей истории (включая уже удаленные отложенные ордера) соберем список ToDel, ничего не удаляя
for (i=0; i<OrdersTotal(); i++) {
  if (OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS)) {
    if ((OrderCloseTime()==0) && (t==OP_BUYLIMIT || t==OP_BUYSTOP || t==OP_SELLLIMIT || t==OP_SELLSTOP)) {
      NToDel++; // Вносим тикет ордера в список на удаление
      } // CloseTime()==0
  } // if Selected
} // for

// Теперь удаляем. С конца, чтобы работа по изменению списка открытых и отложенных ордеров была поменьше
// Если NToDel=-1, не нашлось ни одного ордера к удалению, то тело цикла не исполняется ни разу
for (i=NToDel; i>=0; i--) {
  if (!OrderDelete(ToDel[i],clrNONE)) Print("Не удалился ордер ",ToDel[i],", ошибка " + ErrorDescription(GetLastError())); 
  } // for
} // DeletedOrders

Hi all.

Can you guys help me to make a condition when opening an order, so it will open only if the current time (accurate to the minute) is not equal to the closing time of the last order.

Here is the construction:

int accTotal=OrdersHistoryTotal();

if(OrderSelect(accTotal-1,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY)==true) {

datetime ctm=OrderCloseTime();



and then condition to open an order




But of course, it doesn't work because TimeCurrent() returns time accurate to one second, and I need up to one minute because I trade on minute bars and at sharp market fluctuations even during one minute the price may go hundreds of points and this is often not in my direction. That is why I need only one order to open in one minute.