Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Nowhere without you - 6. - page 631


How to hide the name of the Expert Advisor from the broker?

In the description of one Expert Advisor I came across this phrase "ExpertName = used to hide the name of the Expert Advisor from the broker".

I understand that probably the server sees all of the information on the client, just as we do, making requests on the client terminal.

Then how to bypass such requests?

(if the conversation is not public, you can answer in private)

Do you need to hide the name of the expert or the fact that the expert is working?
Do you want to hide the name of the expert or the fact that the expert is working?

Both, and you can do without bread... : ))) (to Winnipeg)

One does not interfere with the other. I just wanted to understand - the name of the expert (in this case) can be hidden?

After all, without the name of the expert, you cannot hide the work of the expert (2nd point of the question).


Both, and you can do without bread... : ))) (to Winnipeg)

One does not interfere with the other. I just wanted to understand - is it possible to hide the name of an expert (in this case)?

After all, you cannot hide the work of the EA without the name of the Expert Advisor (the 2nd point of the question).

As for hiding the work of the Expert Advisor. The broker has an opportunity to disable auto-trading on user's MT4. There are brokers that organize contests and there is a condition that you can only trade by hand, then they disable auto-trading. If it is enabled, he has nothing against experts.

As for the Expert Advisor's name. I do not understand the purpose of this action so far. I do not know whether the broker even sees the Expert Advisor's name, but if it does - give another name for the program.


On the subject of hiding the Expert Advisor's work. A broker can disable auto-trading on a user's MT4. There are some brokers who organise contests and there is a condition that you can only trade hands, then they disable auto-trading. If it is enabled, it has nothing against experts.

About the name of the Expert Advisor. I do not understand the meaning of this action so far. I do not know whether the broker even sees the name of the Expert Advisor, but if it does - just call the program differently.

Thank you, Maxim, for your replies.

But it was the phrase of one of developers concerning external settings of Expert Advisor ( "ExpertName = used to hide an Expert Advisor's name from a broker" that attracted my attention. That is why I am interested in this aspect: is it possible to do so? Renaming is not a bad option, but it doesn't hide the EA's work. So, it does not solve the problem, which is stated by arief adianto

And if the broker will cut off my possibility to trade with the EA, then, of course, I will open an account with him under another name. - It can be solved.

By the way, he's not entirely accurate himself. - His phrase says "...hide the NAME...". But I suppose that's only by renaming and can be solved.


In the help, the ArrayResize function says:

" When allocating memory frequently, it is recommended to use a third parameter that sets a reserve to reduce the amount of physical memory allocation . "

What memory do you mean? Is the space reserved on the hard drive or in virtual memory?

For some reason my swap file has increased dramatically.

can you please explain why my indicators are now signed as Boeing7471, even though I posted them as Boeing747?

Magiks and comments as well as lots cannot be changed.

For pending orders, you can change the setting price and stop orders.

For market - stop orders.

I do not know about the expiry date, I do not use it.

You may close a part of an order. This is a very important function in trading, which will change the volume of the transaction (lot). You cannot increase at the same price as the time has already passed.

This is a very important function when you need to change the magik, it means the trading process is not fully automated.


It says:

"There are three directories (with subdirectories) in which working files can be located:

- Terminal_directory\Experts \History\<current broker> \- for history files;

- Terminal_directory\Experts \Files\- for general case;

- Terminal_directory\Tester\ Files\- for files used in testing. "

They used to be. At the moment they are not there at all! Where are the files saved? Including the tester files. It especially sucks that builds change, and no one wants to fix documentation and the manual. I have to learn how to read minds, or... Get up and ask such questions that would not be asked at all if the information was originally clearly spelled out.


It says:

"There are three directories (with subdirectories) in which working files can be located:

- Terminal_directory\Experts \History\<current broker> \- for history files;

- Terminal_directory\Experts \Files\- for general case;

- Terminal_directory\Tester\ Files\- for files used in testing. "

They used to be. At the moment they are not there at all! Where are the files saved? Including the tester files. It especially sucks that builds change, and no one wants to fix documentation and the manual. I have to learn how to read minds, or... Or ask such questions, which would not be asked if the information was originally written clearly.

Data structure in MetaTrader 4 build 600 and above


The textbook could have at least referred to this article.

I have a code:

// 1.1 Пишим Log-файл. ====================================================================================================================
CLogging::fWriteLog( string  fs_Txt,                           // Данные, которые требуется записать в log-файл
                      bool   fb_PrintPermission = true,        // Флаг печати комментариев
                      bool   fb_CommentPermission = true )     // Флаг показа комментариев на графике
   static datetime ldt_NewDayOpen = 0;
   static string   ls_FileName = "";
   datetime        ldt_CurrDayOpen = iTime( Symbol(), NULL, PERIOD_D1 );
   //---- Имя лог файла определяем один раз в сутки
   if ( ldt_NewDayOpen != ldt_CurrDayOpen )
      ls_FileName = StringConcatenate( WindowExpertName(), "_", Symbol(), "_", Period(), "-", Month(), "-", Day(), ".log" );
      ldt_NewDayOpen = ldt_CurrDayOpen;
   int handle = FileOpen( ls_FileName, FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE|FILE_CSV, "/t" );
   FileSeek( handle, 0, SEEK_END );
   FileWrite( handle, StringConcatenate(TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS), ": ", fs_Txt) );
   FileClose( handle );
   fPrint( fs_Txt, fb_PrintPermission, fb_CommentPermission );

In line:

int handle = FileOpen( ls_FileName, FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE|FILE_CSV, "/t" );

A log file with given name is created (or appended). It does not exist. Not in any path. The code is fine. What's the reason?