Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Nowhere without you - 6. - page 356

Thank you, but I would like a precise solution. So that the current bar is not counted, but only the previous bars are counted.

In order to have an exact solution, you need your code, from which you want to get an exact solution. But you don't have the code. So you don't have a solution either...
Thank you, but I would like a precise solution. So that the current bar is not taken into account, but only previous bars are taken into account.

Damn, I've dug into someone else's code, again at a glance try to change this piece. In this case probably PRICE_CLOSE or 0 should be...

   MA1_0=iMA(NULL,0, MA1_Period, MA1_Shift,MAMethod(MA1_Method), MAPrice(MA1_Price), 1);    // Текущее    значение 1-й МА
   MA1_1=iMA(NULL,0, MA1_Period, MA1_Shift,MAMethod(MA1_Method), MAPrice(MA1_Price), 2);    // Предыдущее значение 1-й МА
   MA2_0=iMA(NULL,0, MA2_Period, MA2_Shift,MAMethod(MA2_Method), MAPrice(MA2_Price), 1);    // Текущее    значение 2-й МА
   MA2_1=iMA(NULL,0, MA2_Period, MA2_Shift,MAMethod(MA2_Method), MAPrice(MA2_Price), 2);    // Предыдущее значение 2-й МА

Here's the code, changed the shifts from 0 to 1. Will that help?

inttern MA1_Period=7; // 1st MA period
extern int intMA2_Period=13; // Period of the 2nd MA
extern int MA1_Method=1; // MA1 calculation method (SMA=0,EMA=1,SMMA=2,LWMA=3)
extern int MA2_Method=1; // MA2 calculation method (SMA=0,EMA=1,SMMA=2,LWMA=3)
extern int MA1_Price=0; // MA1 price calculation method
extern int MA2_Price=0; // MA2 price calculation method
extern int MA1_Shift=1; // MA1 time shift
extern int MA2_Shift=1; // MA2 time shift
extern double Lot = 0.01; // Fixed lot
extern int slippage = 0; // Price deviation for market orders
int New_Bar; // 0/1 New bar forming
int Time_0; // Start time of a new bar

int PosClose; // Crossing direction
int total; // Number of open orders
double MA1_0; // Current value of the 1st МА (pink)
double MA1_1; // Previous value of the 1st MA (pink)
double MA2_0; // Current value of the 2nd MA (blue)
double MA2_1; // Previous value of the 2nd MA (blue)
int orderBuy; // 1 = fact of presence of the Buy order
int orderSell; // 1 = fact of presence of Sell order
int init()

int start()

double price;

int total=OrdersTotal(); // total orders
for(int i=total-1;i>=0;i--)
if(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)==true) // Select order
if(OrderType()==OP_BUY) // If a Buy order
if(CrossPositionClose()==1) // Close the order if it satisfies
{ // condition CrossPositionClose()=1
if(OrderType()==OP_SELL) // If a Buy order is being placed
if(CrossPositionClose()==2) // Close the order if it satisfies
{ // condition CrossPositionClose()=2

New_Bar=0; // Let's zeroize it first
if (Time_0 != Time[0]) // If the bar start time is already different
New_Bar= 1; // Here is a new bar
Time_0 = Time[0]; // Remember the new bar start time

MA1_0=iMA(NULL,0, MA1_Period, MA1_Shift,MAMethod(MA1_Method), MAPrice(MA1_Price), 0); // Current value of the 1st MA
MA1_1=iMA(NULL,0, MA1_Period, MA1_Shift,MAMethod(MA1_Method), MAPrice(MA1_Price), 1); // Previous value of the 1st MA
MA2_0=iMA(NULL,0, MA2_Period, MA2_Shift,MAMethod(MA2_Method), MAPrice(MA2_Price), 0); // Current value of the 2nd MA
MA2_1=iMA(NULL,0, MA2_Period, MA2_Shift,MAMethod(MA2_Method), MAPrice(MA2_Price), 1); // Previous value of the 2nd MA


int CrossPositionClose()
PosClose=0; // this is where the dog is buried!!:)
if ((MA1_1>=MA2_0 && MA1_0<MA2_0) || (MA1_1>MA2_0 && MA1_0<=MA2_0)) // CrossPosition Close {
if ((MA1_1<=MA2_0 && MA1_0>MA2_0) || (MA1_1<MA2_0 && MA1_0>=MA2_0)) // Downwards intersection
return(PosClose); // return the intersection direction.

int MAMethod(int MA_Method)
case 0: return(0); //return MODE_SMA=0
case 1: return(1); // return MODE_EMA=1
case 2: return(2); // Return MODE_SMMA=2
case 3: return(3); //return MODE_LWMA=3
int MAPrice(int MA_Price)
case 0: return(PRICE_CLOSE); // Return PRICE_CLOSE=0
case 1: return(PRICE_OPEN); //return PRICE_OPEN=1
case 2: return(PRICE_HIGH); //return PRICE_HIGH=2
case 3: return(PRICE_LOW); //return PRICE_LOW=3
case 4: return(PRICE_MEDIAN); //return PRICE_MEDIAN=4
case 5: return(PRICE_TYPICAL); //return PRICE_TYPICAL=5
case 6: return(PRICE_WEIGHTED); //return PRICE_WEIGHTED=6

Sepulca, I already tried that, the compiler swears.
Sepulca, I already tried that, the compiler swears.

It can't be, I'll try it in mine now......
Shit, it's not swearing now. Sorry for the mix-up. The error was coming up before for some reason. (
No cussing at all.... Test by you..... Already made changes, may the author forgive me....
I've got two of my forum posts open with one click at a time, or my mouse is rattling or something else. I have to delete it again later......But I'll check this post....

Sepulca, thanks, your code works. Only I've put the shifts back in their place.

I will check it on longer timeframes, I will torture it for a few days to be sure this code works.


picture for example ...

help with code condition ...................................................................................